Keep Calm!

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Y/N's (Thinking)POV:
"Okay, deep breath y/n. Just keep calm. Your the Ultimate Illusionist.  So.. Just put on an illusion that your calm.... Okay.. I think I'm good now?.."

No ones POV:
Y/N and Mikan walk around a beach...
Both concerned and scared they look for other people. Next thing they know they found a person. Sleeping? Or passed out? But that doesn't matter.. It was was a boy. Brown haired boy laying down, eyes closed on the beach.

Y/N : "Hey? Are  you awake?"
(Y/N starts to tap the boy with her finger)

???'s POV:
"Huh.. Who- who is that?"
( ???'s sees a unfamiliar face with another unfamiliar face right next to them.)

Mikan: D-do you-you know where w-we a-a-are by an-ny chance..."

Y/N's (thinking)POV: "Ugh.. he probably is the same as us. But he does seem a little off somehow..Like why is that thing on his head so... pointy? Never mind that we have to go find someone that is awake.. Sorry dude guess we'll see you later!"
(Y/N grabs Mikans hand and dashes away.
Which left a odd impression on the boy)
Mikans POV: "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG sh-e h-just t-touc-ched ssss-someone l-lllike me! Wow!"
No ones POV: Mikans Excitement soon stops after where she sees what's in front of her... All she wants is to stay close to Y/N... She just met her but feels like something will happen between them. But sometimes things won't go her way...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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