Chapter I: The New Recruit (UPDATED)

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This series was inspired by a TikTok series made by user and a personal friend of mine @Wanda_Stories_

In this series, Natasha was brought back by Steve when he returned the soul stone in 'Avengers: Endgame' because 'a soul for a soul' and Wanda never dated Vision.


In the main area of The Avengers Facility, the Avengers talk about their future, and they hear someone knock on the door.
Bucky walks to the front door and opens it, seeing a 28 year old woman.

"Hello, I'm looking for Natasha Romanoff." Said the visitor.
"How do you know Nat?" Bucky asks.
"I'm her adopted sister," the visitor replies. "Name's Jessica."
"James, but call me Bucky. Everyone else does it," Bucky says. "Come in, I'll go get her."
"Thanks, Bucky," Jessica says. "Call me Jess. That's what everyone else does."

Jess and Bucky enter the main area and see all the remaining Avengers except for Natasha and Clint.

"Clint's not here?" Jess asks.
"No, he retired," Bucky replies. "and he says it's final this time."
"Oh, that's kinda disappointing." Jess says.
"Sit here," Bucky says. "I'll go get Nat."
"Ok, thanks, Bucky." Jess says, sitting down at the table.
"Not to be rude," Sam says. "But who are you?"
"Sorry," Jess replies. "Where are my manners, I'm Jessica Romanoff, but call me Jess."
"Are you as scary as your sister?" Bruce asks.
"I can be when I have to." Jess replies.
"You're Miss Romanoff's sister," Peter asks. "You two don't look alike."
"We don't look alike because I was adopted." Jess replies.
"Oh," Peter says. "I'm Peter, by the way."
"Nice to meet you." Jess says.

As the Avengers finish introducing themselves to Jess, Nat and Bucky enter the main area.

"Jess!" Nat says with joy.
"Nat!" Jess says with joy.

Jess and Nat hug as they tear up and start crying happy tears.

"I was so worried." Jess says.
"So was I, sis." Nat says.

Nat and Jess calm down a bit and sit at the table.

"So, what brings you here, Jess?" Nat asks.
"Well," Jess replies. "I'm finally taking your offer to become an Avenger."
"Great," Nat says. "We could definitely use the extra muscle on the team."

As they talk, Pepper enters the room.

"Jess?" Pepper asks.

Jess turns to Pepper, stands up, and walks towards her.

"Hey, Pepper," Jess says. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing okay, I guess," Pepper replies. "It's hard being a single mother, but I'm trying my best."
"I know you are," Jess says. "Morgan is a lucky girl to have a mother like you."

Pepper smiles with tears in her eyes and hugs Jess.

"I believe that Nat is a lucky woman to have a sister like you." Pepper tells Jess.
"I know I am," Nat says. "I'm always glad that Mom decided to adopt her."
"You literally forced her to do so," Jess says. "Anyway, it's been a long day for me, so I need to get some rest."
"I can take you to your room if you want." Wanda says.
"I appreciate it, Wanda." Jess says.

Jess and Wanda walk towards Jess's new room.

"Here's your room," Wanda says. "It's not much, but at least you get a decently comfortable bed."
"I love it." Jess says.
"Ok," Wanda says. "I'll leave you to rest, I'm just going to talk to Nat, I'll see you later."
"See you later." Jess says.

Wanda walks towards Nat.

"Hey, Nat," Wanda says. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure." Nat says, getting up.

Wanda and Nat head into the kitchen.

"Is Jess dating anyone?" Asked Wanda.
"I don't know," Nat replies. "But I can ask her."
"Please don't involve me." Wanda says.
"Ok." Nat says, sending a text message to Jess.

Nat gets a text from Jess.

"She's single," Nat says. "Also, you're her type."
"What makes you say that?" Wanda asks.
"Jess loves a woman who is sweet but fierce." Nat says.
"That does sound like me." Wanda says.
"Go tell her how you feel," Nat says. "I told her a lot about you, and as soon as I showed her a photo of you, she said that she had fallen in love with you."
"Ok," Wanda says. "Thanks, Nat."

Wanda walks back towards Jess's room and sees Jess outside the room.

"Hey Jess." Wanda says nervously.
"Hey Wanda," Jess says. "What's up."
"Listen," Wanda says. "I know we just met, but..."

Before Wanda can finish, Jess kisses her.

"I love you too," Jess says. "And I would love to be your girlfriend."
"Really." Wanda asks.

Jess kisses Wanda again as an answer.

"Shall we spread the news?" Asked Wanda.
"Yes." Jess says.

Jess and Wanda walk towards the others, holding each other by the hand.

"Can we have everyone's attention?" Jess asks.

Everyone turns to see Jess and Wanda.

"Wanda." Jess says.
"Jess and I are dating." Wanda says, holding Jess's hand.
"Congratulations." Everyone says.

Wanda leads Jess to the bedroom, locks the door, pins Jess to the wall, and kisses her.

"Right now, really?" Jess asks.
"Unless you don't want to." Wanda says seductively.

Jess pushes Wanda onto the bed and kisses her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jess asks.
"Yes." Wanda says, kissing Jess.

Jess and Wanda undress as they make out.

The Iron Widow and The Scarlet Witch Volume 1 (UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now