Chapter IV: The Iron Widow

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Jess wakes up, notices Wanda isn't in the room, has a shower, gets dressed and heads towards the main area where she sees Wanda and Nat talking.

"Morning Babe." Wanda says.
"Morning Wanda," Jess says. "How are you?"

Wanda kisses Jess.

"You're in a good mood." Jess says.
"Yeah, I am." Wanda says.
"Nat," Jess says. "What did you tell her?"
"Was I supposed to keep the hunt a secret?" Nat asks.
"Yes, you were." Jess says.
"Sorry," Nat says.
"It doesn't matter," Jess says. "Wanda would've just read your mind and find out about the hunt that way."
"Listen Jess," Wanda says. "I know you mean to hunt them for me and I love you for it, but all I ask is that you don't do this, please."
"I'm sorry," Jess says. "I can't just let them get away with it."
"Please," Wanda says. "I don't want you to do this and I don't want to use our relationship as a threat to keep you from doing it."

As Wanda just finished talking, a knock on the door can be heard, Jess walks towards it, and opens it seeing the two guys from last night.

"Speak of the devil." Jess says, aiming a 9mm glock pistol at them.
"Wait, wait, wait." The knife guy says. "We came here to apologise for what happened last night, My friend and I were just fired from our jobs and we were just in need of money and my friend was apparently really horny."
"You think," Jess says. "He tried to rape my girlfriend."

Wanda shows up.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Wanda.
"We came here to apologise for what happened last night." Says the rapist
"I forgive you." Wanda says.

Jess puts the gun away.

"So do I," Jess says. "But if this happens again I will not hesitate to put you down, Old Yeller style."
"Understood ma'am," the knife guy said. "We're going to turn ourselves in to the police, hopefully that should give you closure unless you want to punch us first."

Jess punches the knife guy in the face so hard he loses a tooth.

"Damn," the knife guy says. "That's one hell of a punch."
"Thanks." Jess says.

The men leave.

"There you go." Jess says, "I didn't have to go out hunting for them and we still got closure, that's a win for both of us."
"Yeah, I guess so." Wanda says.
"Miss 'Iron Widow' Romanoff," Friday says. "Your suit has finished."
"Thanks Friday," Jess says. "I'll be there in a second."
"'Iron Widow'?" Wanda says.
"Yeah," Jess says. "I didn't have any other names so that's my Avenger name."
"I like it," Wanda says. "It's a badass name fit for a badass woman."

Jess smiles and then kisses Wanda.

"Well I'm going to get my suit." Jess says.
"Yeah, I'm going to go talk to Nat." Wanda says.

Jess walks into the armory/workshop While Wanda heads towards the main area and sees Nat looking at the horizon.

"Hey Nat," Wanda says. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure Wanda," Nat says, grabbing a chair for Wanda. "Have a seat."

Wanda sits next to Nat.

"So what's up?" Nat asks.
"Listen," Wanda says. "I know we've only been dating for over a month and Jess was unconscious for a month but I want to marry her before anything else happens, do I have your blessing?"
"Are you insane," Nat says. "Of course, you can marry her, you have my blessing, Jess said that her ideal proposal spot would be at night in Paris, France, on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower."
"Can you help me secretly plan the trip?" Asked Wanda.
"Yes," Nat says. "I'll also get Pepper to help."
"Why?" Asked Wanda.
"Because she's Jess's best friend," Nat Replies. "Plus she inherited everything when Tony died." 
"Yeah, that makes sense." Wanda says.

A figure wearing black and gold slams into the ground, scaring the hell out of Nat and Wanda so much as they get ready to attack.

"Hey relax." The figure says.

The helmet retracts to the armour showing Jess's face.

"It's just me." Jess says.
"God, babe," Wanda says. "Don't do that to me."
"Sorry." Jess says.
"It's alright," Wanda says. "But don't do that again, please."
"Ok." Jess says.

Jess walks towards her room.

“Ok,” Wanda says, “Nat, tell Pepper the plan and have her book a hotel, and then distract Jess while I’ll go and get a perfect ring, if Jess asks where I am, tell her I'm running some errands.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Nat says.

Nat runs towards Pepper’s room and Wanda leaves to find an engagement ring.
Nat knocks on Pepper’s door and she answers.

“Hey Nat.” Pepper says.
“Is Morgan here?” Nat asks.
“No,” Pepper replies. “She's at school, why?”
“Wanda and I need your help,” Nat says. “And Jess can’t know about it.”
“Come in.” Pepper says.

Nat enters Pepper’s room, Pepper locks the door and Friday activates the soundproofing in Pepper’s room.

"What do you need?" Pepper asks.
"Wanda is planning on proposing to Jess," Nat says, "and we need you to book them a hotel in Paris and they'll need money so they can go to the top of the Eiffel Tower."
"That's so romantic," Pepper says, giving $500K to Nat. "I'm in."
"Thanks." Nat says, leaving Pepper's room.

Nat heads towards the main area and sees Jess looking for Wanda.

"Hey Sis," Nat says. "What's up?"
"Hey Nat," Jess says. "Have you seen Wanda anywhere?"
"She's just running some errands." Nat says.
"Oh, okay." Jess says.
"Wanna go do some combat training?" Nat asks.
"Hell yeah." Jess says.

Nat and Jess enter the gym and spend 3 hours training.
Nat throws a punch at Jess, but she grabs Nat's fist and sends her to the floor, then she looks up to see Wanda at the doorway. 

"Hey Sexy." Jess says.
"Hey Beautiful." Wanda says.

Jess and Nat get up.

"Nice one, Sis." Nat says, shaking Jess's hand.
"Thanks." Jess says.

Wanda walks towards them.

"That's how you distracted her?" Wanda whispered to Nat.
"Yeah," Nat whispers back. "Pepper has booked a hotel in Paris and here's the money.
"Thank you, Nat," Wanda whispers. "I hope she says yes."
"Trust me, she will," Nat says. "You leave tomorrow morning."

Wanda takes the money from Nat and walks towards Jess.

"Hey Babe." Wanda says.
"Hey." Jess says.
"I've got something to tell you." Wanda says.
"What is it?" Jess asks.
"We're going on a trip to Paris." Wanda Replies.
"Oh my god, really?" Jess asks with excitement.
"Yes," Wanda says. "We leave tomorrow morning, so we better start packing."

Jess and Wanda enter their bedroom, pack their bags, get in bed and fall asleep.

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