Average Stereotypical Boyfriend

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Everyone has their share of love scenarios.
Ones with romantic dinners and lovely chatting.
Ones with dancings and the chandeliers shining bright on them.
A stroll on the beach, and love making.
Everyone wants the same cheesy stereotypical dates.

I beg to differ, I want something different.
Whether it be a play date at the park, with delicious ice cream and strolls through the forest.
Whether it be in the backyard of a home, nothing but candles and a blanket and being able to look up at the stars.
Whether it be out of the blue, a simple. "Get dressed, we're going out." Even if its a trip to a Chinese restaurant and roaming around the mall.
Whether it be a stay at home, with blanket forts with movies or learning how to play video games. Having a bowl of cereal or pizza afterwards.

I don't want a typical boyfriend,
I don't want those cheesy all-the-same romantic dates.

I want someone to chat with and take pictures that'll make others question our sanity.
I want someone to understand my truly and fully with no questions asked, and if so questions asked.
I want a best friend, not a typical average teenage boyfriend.

I don't do flings, I tend to look more forward into something that may possibly turned more into just a' boyfriend and girlfriend' relationship.

(I do so apologize for the nonsense of this writing bit. I wasn't fully sure on what to write properly about. Update soon~)

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