chapter 10 officer Lopez.

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Officer Lopez was at his wits here he had a child who had just seen 3 hours ago transform into a werewolf now he was racing against time running from someone even a werewolf was afraid of he felt the boys breath on his neck felt his hair on his skin and his sweat dripping on him as they turned the corner officer Lopez was just touch away from the door knob Stop Running From Me Boy Is That Any Way To Treat Your Papa!?!?! Huh!?!?! After Everything I've Done! For You? This Is How You Repay Me?!?!?! Jacks heart skipped a beat and his blood ran cold the officer slowly turned around to see this huge man he was like a Giant he had scars and cuts and dripping with blood and despite all of his injury's it didn't seem to bother him he had a huge scar that ran across his eye he was Hispanic and had mustache and he was a handsome guy.

but his dead looking eyes that felt like it pierced thru his soul and even tho it felt like his eyes pierced thru the officers soul he wasn't looking at him in fact he wasn't looking near him at all he was looking at the boy he was looking back at him straight in the eye the boy looked at this beastly looking man back in his green eyes after every thing you've done? The boy said getting of the officers shoulder oh you mean the torture and the beatings the making us eat your scraps Because You Were Such A Terrible Man That After Mama Died You Treated All Of Your Children Like Dogs! papa didn't you know an average dog can be loyal but when the owner treats him bad they tend to react it and turn against their owners so you said we belong to you papa and you treat us like dogs the boy said walking towards him the officer watched as he waved his hand around menacing as claws grew from his hand and fur sprouted around it along with the rest of his body I think its time we turned against you right? you know an average dog can take all of the abuse and attempted murder countless of times for years until it finally snaps it usually has hope the owner will go back to being kind and loving like before but a dog who was always hurt when it finally snaps it snaps at your throat not at the ankles I feel a little snappy today papa what about you? The boy said transformed into a full werewolf the officer gasped at the sight I didn't think it would get bigger he whispered Mr Rodriguez jerked his head and in an instant he was this huge beast the smaller wolf tackled the huge wolf the small wolf whined as the big wolf bit his tail the small wolf hit the big wolf with his tail as the big wolf struggled to get up the small wolf shifted back into a boy and ran grabbing the officers arm as he limped towards the door go go go go Go! He shouted the officer picked the boy up and ran out the door and they raced to his car and drove away okay okay! The officer shouted how did that happen!?!! How did you do that! How did he do that! The officer shouted I can't quite explain that the boy said as he panted but we need to find my siblings but first we need to get to charlie he can help me and we need to abandon his car he said groaning wait why the officer asked because yours and my scent is on it if you have a scent he can track us plus the boy said I've bled on your seat he groaned sorry about that the boy said sheepishly its fine but how are we gonna get to this charlie you're talking about be getting another car and driving there wait didn't you say he could track us? the officer said yes the boy replied but I have this. This time the boy said pulling out a bottle my brother made this and because of this I can't track them but charlie can because he has something we don't this will mask our scent so he can't find us but my papa is fast a tracking so we have to get away quick and patch up this wound so he won't smell me first do you have a some spare clothes the boy asked yeah the officer answered here he said passing him some bandages the boy grabbed a needle and some string then poured some whiskey on his wound the boy groaned in pain then started stitching up his wounds then he firmly wrapped the bandages around his wounds and put the new change of clothes on okay he groaned let's go the officer looked at him shocked then he helped him out of the car and they ran to the other car the officer changed his clothes to and the boy sprayed out the window and inside of the car as they drove then they got to Charlie's. House the boy knocked on the huge mansion doors the butler opened the door sorry we don't allow visitors wait a minute a voice said charlie came down the stairs Jack? Charlie said holding the door Charlie* the boy sighed as he fell charlie grabbed his arm catching him into his arms let's get him into the infirmary charlie said holding the boy up with ease.

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