sPiN tHe BoTtEl

988 21 6

Baku P.O.V
AM I THAT OBVIOUS?! I hate those dumb extras...but their my friends...UGH! THEIR SO ANNOYING THO!
I'm stomping out of the kitchen on my way to go outside for some air and not a minute later-
Dumb hair: you know...
I glare at him.
Dumb hair: The bakusquad already did what we could we already made you guys date for a month, and we think it's time u tell us if your gonna confess or not
Me: mind your own dam business.
He sighs
Dumb hair: don't say I didn't warn you-
I'm about to go inside when I notice a small greenet

Deku P.O.V
When I saw Kacchan going towards his friends I go with mine.
Ura: glad you made it deku!!!
Me: heyyy
She starts talking about random things until I notice how she's trying to avoid eye contact with tsyuu
Me: what's that about?
Ura: what're talking about- is there drama already?-
She looks around and she does it again-
Me: why are you avoid eye contact with tsyuu?
She freezes.
Ura: me? What? Noooo, why would I do that? Me and tsyuu?
Me: you and tsyuu??
I give her a look which practically tells her 'I know your hiding something and I'm about to find out'

Random P.O.V
Random person #1: Wtf are they doing?
Random person #2: I dont know, looks like their having a whole ass conversation with their eyes

Back to deku P.O.V
Ura: FINE! I really have a crush on her and last night we kissed but she didn't kiss me back so now I feel like this whole thing we had was all one sided and now I'm trying to not crush on her as bad as I already am bUT HOW IN THE WORLD AM I GONNA DO THAT WHEN SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS-

VUra: FINE! I really have a crush on her and last night we kissed but she didn't kiss me back so now I feel like this whole thing we had was all one sided and now I'm trying to not crush on her as bad as I already am bUT HOW IN THE WORLD AM I GONN...

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She whips her phone out to show me.
I just pat her back as she starts to drink
Me: there, there...let it out
She starts spilling her guts out and eventually gets drunk. Meaning she becomes very loud. I told her to keep it down but it was too late. Tsyuu had already heard everything she'd said so she comes over and asks me if she can talk to her which I replied with of course. I head outside then start feeling the cold air hit me. To be honest i drank a little bit myself but I wasn't drunk. I just stopped thinking which felt kinda nice for a change. I started to feel cold so I start walking on my way inside when I hear someone yell "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING DUMBASS?! DO YOU KNOW HOW COLD IT IS?!"
the moment I heard the famous word dumbass i know it was Kacchan
Me: heyyyyy....youu?
He gives me a confused look
Kacchan: you?
Me: you.
Kacchan: what about me?
I just stare at him and admire everything about him...that is a good question what about him? Is it his eyes? Hair? Or lips? Maybe his hands..? No...it's just him. Everything about him...
Me: nothing, can u do me a favor?
Kacchan: what is it?
Me: can u use your quirk on me?
He looks at me like I killed his last brain cells
Kacchan: huh?
Me: well you see I'm kinda cold and I know your quirk makes your hands warm so-
Kacchan: you want me to hug you?
Me: I was gonna say hold your hand but that works too
After I say that I could swear I see him blush a bit as he seems to be caught off guard.
Kacchan: wh-what?! Why the hell would I do that you?!
Me: it's fine you know I can just go ask todoroki-
Me: awww your jealous of me and todo?
Kacchan: shut up.
I smile and thank him as I sit in between his legs he looks shocked and his eyes widen and he mumbled something I can't hear
Me: if your gonna say something say it.
Kacchan: someone's a little ballsy, where'd you get that confidence?

Baku P.O.V
I hear him laugh a bit which causes me to smile. I activate my quirk and put my arms around him while resting my head on his shoulder
Me: this okay?
I say this softer than intended and it came out like more of a whisper. I feel him shudder and blush, was my quirk not warm enough?
Izu: y-yes...
Never mind! Seems like the nerd lost his confidence, maybe I should take advantage...
Me: you said u wanted to hold my hand right?
He blushed harder
Izu: I- wha- I just- I didn't-
I take his hand and he looks shocked
Me: this warm enough for you?
I said snuggling on his shoulder. It was all perfect until racoon eyes ruined the moment

Deku P.O.V
Mina: HEY! Sorry to interrupt but we're gonna play spin the bottle!! Since you guys aren't dating anymore and obviously don't like each other we figured we can just let u guys find someone new
She simply smiled at both of us, why was she telling us ass this unnecessary stuff? Does she know something I dont?
Kacchan: Sure.
He got up and left leaving me wondering if maybe she knows he doesn't like me...
I got inside and see the circle of people and decide not to sit next to Kacchan for a change and for some reason he looked a little surprised for a but then forgot about it, maybe he doesn't care as much as I thought
Kiri: since Mina was the one who wanted to play she'll go first
Mina: yayyy!!
She spins it and it lands on kirishima and he blushed
Mina: oookkkaayyyyyy
They kissed and honestly I was kinda fan boying i guess- I've always wanted to ship them!!!
Next was Jiro and Denki which is also I nice ship then when Denki landed on kiri I just knew I shipped that too. A few more rounds Ura and tsyuu got each other which was cool and when it was my turn as much as I prayed it would land on Kacchan it landed on someone else...

Baku P.O.V
It landed on icy hot. Is he really gonna do it?
Icy hot leans in and seems to be taking him time as he puts Izu's hair behind his ear. Don't tell me he's actually gonna do it. He doesn't even look at me, they get close until their noses are almost touching

Deku P.O.V
As he's about to kiss me I feel a hand cut between us
Kacchan: hell no.
Me: k-Kacchan?-
He grabs my wrist and drags me out of the room with him
Me: hey! What's wrong with you?-
He pins me against the wall and he clearly doesn't look happy
Kacchan: what's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?! You let me hold you and hold your hand as well, we've also kissed once and your already trying to kiss icy hot. Is that how you treat everyone?!
He seemed hurt which made me feel bad
Me: it's not like that-
Kacchan: oh really? Then how is it? What even are we?
He said the last part but it sounded as if he was telling himself more than he was telling me. He lets me go and puts his hands in his pockets and I follow behind him as we stay in silence.
Me: Im sorry...
He continued walking
Kacchan: whatever. It's not like I care anyways.
That stung.
Me: I just thought you didn't care if I kissed anyone who wasn't you...after all you were the one who told Mina we would play...I kinda thought she knew something I didn't and that something being that you didn't like me...and probably still hated me...
I stare at the ground
Me: you probably felt pity-
He stops walking and look at me and walks closer to me
Kacchan: if I held you while you slept, held you when you felt cold, and even tried to be calmer cuz you wanted me to, I purposely even put scary movies so that you'd stay closer to me. What do you think that means?
Me: ...
Me: you like scary movies?
Kacchan: no.
He pauses then says
Kacchan: it means I don't hate you...
Kacchan: even tho you tried to kiss half n half
He turns back around and starts walking and I whine
Me: really Kacchannn?
We walk for a bit and I stop walking. He looks over his should and looks at me
Kacchan: you coming?
Me: you know I just wanted to make you jealous...I wanted to see if you actually cared. I know what I did was wrong and for that I apologize...
I start crying without realizing and he sighs and hugs me and I cry on his shirt.
Kacchan: it's okay...Don't worry about it
I look up at his and we make eye contact. His eyes are so beautiful...he starts to lean in and I don't think he realized it but then he kissed one of my freckles
Kacchan: their so gross.
I looked at him confused
Me: h-huh?
Kacchan: their like a little mess all scattered around your nose. It's cute- GROSS! I MEANT GROSS
I start laughing while he keeps trying to correct himself
Me: yeah their gross or whatever
He pouts and with that we go home.

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