Scandalous ~1~

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Cookie: FINALLY! I present to you the 1st chapter of my newest story "Scandalous" ^_^ For those of you just starting to read my work...this is BOYXBOY so've been warned. >:)

Also, you should probably read High School Scandal and I Tempted Him With A Kiss...since this story is suppose to be the sequel to both stories >_<

Now lets welcome back Derek and Evan y'all!

Youtube song link "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri

And Chace Crawford will once again play Evan Godric Staton :) Pic of him on the bottom right corner!



~Evan's POV~

"Hey, Evan...lets move in together."

      My first shocked reponse to my best friends impulsive suggestion that had literally come out of nowhere? ; I choked on the glass of water I had been drinking over the kitchen sink and nearly let the glass slip from my fingertips.

     Calming my suddenly erratic heartbeat, I placed the glass in the sink with a soft clink. If Derek noticed that my hand had been slightly unsteady, he didnt comment on it. Instead I could feel his eyes burning through my back with unwavering focus.

      With deliberate slowness, I inhaled a lung full of air before steadily exhaling. Really, when it comes to Derek, you never know what's going to come out his mouth next no matter how rash. It was always fell to me to be the rational one in the relationship. Schooling my features in an expressionless mask that had earned me the nickname "ice prince" throughout high school (one I'm sure Derek himself started) I slowly turned around to face him, Derek Matthew James.

      My idiot best friend.

      My confidant.

      My comrade since the third grade and now after all these boyfriend. It had been a long road to get where we were right now and sometimes Derek impulsively did things to test our relationship though I didn't think he meant it to be that way. He was just...Derek.

      "What did you say?" I asked after several beats of silence. I wanted him to repeat himself just incase of the small chance that I had misheard.

      Derek, whom I had initially thought was busy playing the latest Resident Evil game upstairs in my room until now stood in front of the doorless kitchen enterance. Now that he had my undivided attention, he crossed his arms over his white T-shirt and casually leaned a shoulder against the door frame.

      A lock of dark hair tumbled against his forehead at the sudden movement and my hand tingled to brush it away from his chocolate brown eyes. Derek had been growing his hair out lately and I had a suspicion that it was because he knew I loved his hair rakishly long.

     Loved the way the silk strands felt in my hands and the way it tickled my skin when we were intimate. It took everything I had to keep my face straight and to keep myself from flushing at my own wicked thoughts. I shouldn't be having lascivious thoughts when Derek had just said something life changing.

     "I said," Derek repeated slowly, "lets move in together." The right corner of his lips curved into a cocky smile while his eyes twinkled knowingly at me.

    Damn, I thought. He was aware that I had heard him right and probably guessed that I wasn't as unrattled as I wanted to appear. Inside my heart was chaotically beating like bongo drums. Deciding to keep playing it cool, I crossed my arms and leaned my back against the sink. "And where did this sudden idea come from?"

Scandalous! (Sequel to HSS & ITHWAK)Where stories live. Discover now