Scandalous ~3~

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Cookie: Took me long enough I know! *hides*

Lol Nick Davis will be played by Zach Roerig like before. I just can't picture anyone else cause he's been Gio's "Nicky" forever >_< Pic of him on the right!

Youtube link is "Blanc Space by Taylor Swift cause I can just imagine Gio singing this. Cause he loves the players and YOU love the game. ;P

Warning! Unedited. :P


*~Evan's POV~*

"Tell me what he looked like," Gio insisted. "Maybe I know him."

Derek sent Gio a droll look. "What? Gonna look into your little black book of all the guys you've slept with?"

Gio gasped with outrage. "Hey! Don't be so mean! I'll have you know that Hunter was my first and only! The things he does to me-"

"Okay!" Derek threw up his hands. "Way too much information."

I shook my head at the both of them. Honestly, these two can never say two words to each other without being at each others throats.

"You alright, Evan?" Nick asked me through Gio and Derek's bickering. His honest face looked curious and concerned. He must have sensed that I was slightly disturbed by the nameless stranger I'd seen. Something about him had definitely seemed familiar to me. I just couldn't place him.

"I'm good," I smiled to reassure him. "It's not important."

"I'm gonna call Hunter," Gio declared suddenly. He pulled out his smart phone from his pocket and waved it at us. "He hasn't replied to any of my texts earlier. What if something really happened to him? He's late!"

"Maybe he just got caught in traffic, Moretti," Nick said. "The roads were kind of busy when I was getting here."

"I'll call him to make sure." Gio dialed Hunter's number. "But you're probably right. Won't be the first time he's ignored my texts and calls. Rude boy."

He put the phone on speaker and we listened to it ring six time before it went to voicemail. Gio hung up before the recording picked up. Frowning, he looked to Nick for assurance.

Nick smiled and brushed a dark strand of hair out of Gio's eye. "Stop worrying, Moretti. He'll be here. If he still doesn't pick up in five minutes, I'll take you to go look for him."

Derek lifted a brow at me and I shrugged. I will never understand the effect Giovannie has on Nick. The natural intimacy between them shouldn't be so natural. Gio, after all, was Hunter's. But, I looked at them thoughtfully, there was something sweet about how Nick handles Gio. Like it was second nature for him to be Gio's crutch.

Gio leaned into Nick's touch and smiled brightly at him. I looked away, suddenly feeling embarrassed and very much like a voyeur. Derek's arm tightened around me and I snuggled against his warmth, the mysterious boy from earlier all but forgotten.


Our heads turned to look behind Gio and Nick and lo and behold, Hunter finally arrived in one piece. And he didn't look too pleased. Nick immediately jerked his hand away from Gio and blushed, looking guilty.

"Here we go," Derek muttered for my ears alone. "This should be could."

I jabbed his side with my elbow. "Hey!" He glared at me. I ignored him and focused on Hunter. This could all go very wrong if the sudden tension wasn't diffused quickly. I've never seen Hunter violent but when it comes to Gio and Nick, there was always a constant throbbing vein on his temple that I was afraid would burst at some point.

Scandalous! (Sequel to HSS & ITHWAK)Where stories live. Discover now