Return from Hogwarts inspection

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September 30, 1985

Narcissa was dozing in her bed chamber when she heard 'floosh' from downstairs. Getting up, and fighting a bit of nausea, she stepped out into the loft. "Darling!" she heard Lucius call. Taking a moment to focus, she apparated to the solarium.

"I'm here," she said, startling Draco who jumped. Lucius stepped towards her and kissed her on the cheek in greeting. She kissed him back and then turned to Draco, who was averting his eyes. "What happened?"

"Our son thought it was a good idea to steal my wand," Lucius answered, glowering at the little boy. "I told him we would discuss what to do with him."

"Why did you take the wand, Draco?" Narcissa inquired, observing his reaction.

"I just wanted to try a few spells," Draco mumbled. "I saw the Snyde girl use it on another student... and she wouldn't let me use her wand."

"So you decided to take your Father's instead," she said, glancing at Dobby. "I'm assuming you thought the elf was going to take the blame?"


"Draco..." Lucius said darkly.

"You know you're too young for your own wand," Narcissa stated firmly. "If you want to practice magic, you will do so under our supervision. With one of the wands we lend you." She glanced at Lucius, slipping her hand into his free one. "Dobby."

"Yes, Mistress," Dobby asked a bit nervously.

"Take Draco to his room so he contemplate his actions while Lucius and I discuss his punishment," she ordered. "And do make sure he doesn't try to distract himself with his toys or anything he might take pleasure out of."

"Yes, Mistress," Dobby bowed, turning to Draco and trying take his hand. "Come Master Draco."

"Get your hands off me, you filthy elf!" Draco snapped, slapping Dobby's hand away.

"Draco," Narcissa admonished, her voice dropping dangerously low; something she rarely did. While she had concerns about how Lucius treated Dobby— something she expressed when she was certain they were alone— she wasn't going to tolerate it when the elf was only doing his job.

Glanced up at his mother, quickly averting his gaze and slowly walking out of the room with Dobby beside him. "I need you to give him that voice more often," Lucius smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "How're you feeling?"

"Still a bit nauseous," she sighed, leaning into his embrace and basking in his touch. "I'll be fine."

Lucius placed a kiss on her cheek again and led her to the couch where they could sit and talk more comfortably. "So," she began, leaning against him. "Aside from the obvious taking of his broom privileges, what else should we do?"

"I would go as far as him taking care of the dogs," Lucius answered, referring to their Irish Wolfhounds. "Making him do servant stuff might instill the severity of his actions." Narcissa remained quiet, her arms wrapping around her body as she fought back an intrusive thought. Both of their parents— particularly their fathers— had used rather harsh punishments on them, and Narcissa wanted to avoid repeating those punishments on her own child. Lucius placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine," she nodded. "As long as we don't resort to cursing, I think that punishment should suffice. Also, no sweets for a month."

Lucius pulled her in a tight embrace, rubbing her shoulder lightly as her kissed her head. "Enough about me," she said, pulling back a bit. "How did the inspection go?"

"As expected," Lucius shrugged. "Still allowing mudbloods into the school. Most of the professors we had are still there, and as far as I know are expected to stay. So he'll have at least a descent education."

"You're still wanting him to go to Durmstrang," Narcissa inferred.

"Using legilimens on me?"

"I just know you," she replied smiling softly. "And I'm not against him learning the dark arts; but, we met at Hogwarts, it's much closer to us so I can send him owls— I don't know how I would send them to Durmstrang if the ship goes under water— and I trust Snape far more than I do Karkaroff."

"I understand," Lucius murmurred. "I don't exactly trust Karakroff either; I'm just worried about him mingling with mudbloods under Dumbledore."

"We mingled with them and we came out just fine," Narcissa pointed out, wincing a bit as she felt a pain in her stomach. "Besides, if the rumors are true about a certain relative of mine— and, unless he interacted with her spawn— they won't mingle because she'll be graduated by the time he starts."

"You're right," Lucius nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist as the pain let up a bit; he then changed the subject back to her. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to St. Mungo's? Just in case it's serious?"

"Give it a day or two," she sighed, knowing he wasn't going to back down. After her last miscarriage, Lucius had grown overprotective of her; and while she couldn't blame him given the circumstances, she did find it slightly annoying. "If it gets any worse, we call St. Mungo's."

"Alright," he said reluctantly, kissing her head. "I'm not going to stop fretting, though. I believe the vow was 'in sickness and in health.'"

"You're a worrywart," she muttered.

"With good reason," he said, smiling a bit. "Shall we summon Draco?"

Narcissa nodded, composing herself as Lucius summoned Dobby and Draco. "Yes, Father?" Draco asked.

"After discussing with your mother," Lucius spoke, glancing at his wife. "We've decided you've lost your broom privileges and sweets for a month. You will also be taking care of the dogs for a week."

"But that's servant stuff!" Draco blurted.

"What you did was very serious, Draco," Narcissa said firmly. "Luckily you were at Hogwarts when this happened so the Ministry isn't involved."

"It's not fair..."

"Life isn't fair," Lucius snapped, glancing at Narcissa who was wincing again as a sharper pain hit. "Your punishment is final."

Draco pouted and turned to storm out. Lucius ignored it for now, turning back to Narcissa, who had broken out in a sweat. "Darling?"

"Fine," she whispered, taking a few deep breaths.

"You're going to rest," Lucius stated firmly, helping her to her feet before apparating them to their bed chamber. Once she was settled in the bed, he kissed her forehead. "I'll have Dobby bring you something for supper."

"Alright," she murmured, curling up as the pain took hold again.

A/N: I really just want an explanation on why Narcissa couldn't watch Draco. Like, a simple: she's fallen ill so I took Draco so she could rest type of answer would suffice. At the very least, it shows how much he cares about Narcissa's well being. I will give the game points that it confirms they actually co-parent; we kind of knew that already from GoF since it was actually her decision for Draco to go to Hogwarts, but the way he says it just solidifies that they have a pretty good relationship. Of course, you have to snitch to get this ending and miss the massive points on empathy... but Draco deserves it since it means that Dobby won't be punished. At least for this.

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