Mummy's sick

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"What's wrong with Mother?" Draco asked as he and Lucius sat down for dinner.

"I'm not sure, Draco," Lucius admitted slowly. "As of right now she just needs rest. While she is resting, we will not disturb her."

Draco nodded, slowly eating his meal. "I'm sorry I took your wand, Father... I-I didn't—"

"It's alright, Draco," Lucius interrupted, squeezing his hand, struggling to give him a soft smile. "What's important is that you don't do it again— and no, this doesn't get you out of punishment."

Draco's face faltered just slightly, but he nodded and continued eating. He couldn't be blamed for trying to get out of the punishment, but at least he knew his father was no longer angry with him. They finished their meal in silence, summoning Dobby to clear off the table. "Why don't we take a walk, Draco," Lucius spoke, glancing up at the staircase that led to their bed chamber when they had reached the foyer.

"Alright," Draco nodded joining his father. As they walked around the garden, Draco looked up at his father. "After I get my broom back," Draco began. "Can we do another game of Quidditch?"

"Of course," Lucius replied, turning a corner where a peacock was extending his tail feathers for a peahen.

"Why do they do that?" Draco asked as they continued walking. He was trying to distract himself and his father from what was going on with his mother. "Shake their tail feathers like that?"

"To impress the girl," Lucius smirked, shaking his head a bit. "She gets impressed every year."

"How did you win Mother over?"

"Lots of begging," Lucius chuckled. "Not to mention long walks and treating her respectfully helped."

Draco smiled at the idea of Lucius begging for his Mother's hand in marriage. Most people knew him as a cold hearted scoundrel— at least, that's how Aunt Eileen describes him— but Draco would occasionally see his soft side; especially when he was attempting to eavesdrop on them (though, he learned real quick not to eavesdrop at night); his dad's gentle voice easing the concerns is mother had instead of using the harsh cold voice Draco was used to; seeing his father's gentle touch on her shoulder or him caressing her face and then laughing as they both thought of something funny... he was still confused about that. Adults were weird. Still, he couldn't deny that his father truly had a soft spot for his mother, which is why he guessed his father was so effected by whatever ailed her.

He paused briefly by a small part of the garden that held three Christmas Roses. Each flower held a golden chain, with small charms attached. One held twelve, the other held nine, and the third held four. "What does each of those charms mean?" He asked as he walked in to kneel in front of them, a bit mystified as he reached out to touch a charm...

"Be careful, Draco!" Lucius snapped, his cane painfully connecting to Draco's shoulder. Tears welled up in his eyes as he glanced and flinched at his father's eyes. Even though it was only for a brief moment, he'd never seen someone hold so much rage, and it terrified him. Lucius's eyes softened and he pulled Draco into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry... those flowers are very dear to your mother and I... almost as dear as you are to us..."

"Why?" Draco asked, embracing his father.

"I'll tell you when you're a bit older," Lucius replied. Draco pulled back and he swore he saw his father wipe away tears from his face. "Just be very careful and respectful when you're in this part of the garden."

"Yes, Father," Draco mumbled a bit confused. He had never seen his father switch emotions so quickly— except maybe when he was angry and his mother stepped in to calm him down and vice versa. But, that was usually when his grandfathers were around. He didn't understand why his grandfathers and his parents had a strained relationship, but he knew that his parents would always stand together. "Does this have anything to do with my grandfathers?"

"No," Lucius said firmly. "And we don't talk about this place to your grandfathers. Understand?"

More secrets. Draco was getting tired of the secrets, but he slowly nodded. "Why?"

"I will also explain that when you're older," Lucius murmured, his grip tightening around Draco in a way he swore his father would suffocate him. "They're some things you're not ready for... but, I will explain to you when the time is right."

Draco nodded. As Lucius pulled back, he glanced up at the sky, seeing it nearly dark. "It's time you went to bed," Lucius said, taking his son's hand.

"Can I say goodnight to Mother?" Draco asked after they apparated to the manor loft.

"Quietly," Lucius said firmly. "She needs her rest."

Draco nodded, walking to his parents room as his father opened the door. His mother was lying on her side, a pained expression on her face as she whimpered a bit in her sleep. Lucius sat down next to her, stroking her damp forehead. "Goodnight, mummy," Draco whispered as he kissed her cheek. He looked up at his father nervously.

"Go to bed, Draco," Lucius said softly, looking down at his wife. "I'll let you know if anything serious happens."

Draco nodded, walking to his bedroom. One of the dogs was lying on his bed, and perked up when they saw Draco, whimpering a bit as he guessed they sensed his sadness. Draco sat down on the bed and wrapped his arm around the dog, burying his face into their soft fur as he let the tears fall. "Mummy's going to be okay... right?"

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