The beginng

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Okay so first i was born duhhhh!

Okay no for real. The first serious thing that has ever happened in my life. Gosh thats a tough one not many serious things happen in my life not. The serious type i guess.

But back to my story. I guess the first thing was when I first moved to where I live now North Carolina. And then there was meeting the neighbors and school. So at school i made like two best friends Kelly and Antonette.

But I don't talk to either of them today. Once school became normal I would hangout a lot with my sister and my neighbors. I ended up half stalking half dating my neighbor for like ever until he moved.

I was all upset and hurt when he left because he never told me bye. I got over it though I was like what 7 when he moved.

Then after he left I kinda got a little depressed and became a whore. But since I was like 9 when that started and no one wanted me in real life I took a turn for the worse and got on the Internet.

Oh I know what your all thinking that I'm writing about how bad my life was and is and how I cut and blah blah blah dumb shit that I don't do. And I'm not stupid enough to send photos to people on the Internet or meet them. So no this isn't a story about how the Internet ruined me.

The Internet brought to my attention that I wasn't a "normal" girl. I did girly things and hung out with girls stupid stuff like that but when I got older and around when I should've started liking boys I didn't. So in 5th grade to make sure I wasn't just some stupid crazy girl i tried dating a boy. And NOO that was not my first time dating so I'm not still confused.

Ugh writing about my life is soo boring I hope you guys at least read this first part so that way I feel better about myself. Whatever I'm a weirdo your a weirdo were all weirdos so stay weird my friends and comment like do whatever the hell you want ;) - Bri

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