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"Eight! Nine! Ten!! Ready or not, here I come!" Young Louis yelled out and turned away from the tree he was facing in the royal garden.

He started walking around looking for his best friend,—and crush, but shh Louis would never admit it—Harry. Harry was the second child of a serving family. His mother, Anne, and father, Robin, were both servants in the royal castle. Louis, on the other hand, was the prince of England. He didn't care that Harry was just a servant, Louis was utterly in love with Harry. Louis also didn't care that at the time that Harry was five and Louis himself was seven, he could see himself marrying Harry and ruling all of England with him.

The only problem was that they weren't old enough to present their secondary gender. They wouldn't know until puberty, when Alpha's scent develop more huskier, Beta's a neutral more on the sweet side. And last but not least Omega's scents would get almost sweeter then the sweetest chocolate, driving both Alpha's and Beta's insane, mainly Alpha's though.

Louis though, he's going to be a dominant Alpha. You can tell because his scent is already starting to become a little bit huskier.

While looking into a group of lillies, he heard small familiar giggles to his right. Louis smirked and said, "Oh no, I don't think I'll be able to find my Harry!"

That made Harry giggle even louder. 'Louis can't find me! But i'm right here!' Harry thought, giggling more.

Queen Johannah—more commonly known as Jay—walked into the royal gardens, checking up in her son. When she entered she could see her son smirking in front of a chrysanthemum plant. He put his finger up to his lips, asking her to be silent. Jay nodded and did the motion too, walking closer to her son.

"Hmm, I wonder where Harry could be..." Louis said as he turned around and got ready to jump into the bush.

"Lou-Lou! I'm right he–" Harry was cut off by Louis jumping on him, making sure not to harm Harry though.

"Mate," Louis growled lowly.

At this Jay used all her strength to pull Louis off of Harry. When Jay finally was able to get Louis off, Harry started whining missing Louis being on top of him. And Louis... Louis was growling and thrashing around in Jay's arms.

"Guards! Please help!" Johannah yelled out, fearing what Louis could do if he gets to Harry. The royal guards cam using over to where they were called, seeing what was going on. One pick up small whining Harry off of the ground, his whining getting worse as actual tears start falling from his eyes, as he starts to almost scream out to be put back down and to go to Louis.

Another guard got Louis out of Jay's arms. That was not a good idea. Louis was feeling threatened by all of the Alpha pheromones near him and his mate. Trying to fight off the threat to his mate, and himself, Louis started to bite, hit, scratch, and do just about anything to fight off the guards. He needed his Harry back in his arms.

"No! Let go!!" Louis screamed. He bit the guard who was holding him, Lance's ear off, Vincent Van-Gough style.

"AHHH! What the fuck!" Lance screamed out in pain dropping Louis to the floor. Louis quick recovered from the fall and ran over to the guard that was holding Harry, and kicked him where it hurts most. He picked harry up and ran behind the chrysanthemums harry was hiding behind earlier.

Louis gently laid Harry down on the dirt and then laid onto of Harry in a protective way. No one was going to take Harry away from him. "Mine," Louis whispered, kissing Harry's temple. Harry smiled, feeling safe under the weight of the prince.

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