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"Appa?!" She exclaimed seeing her father in front of her.

"So the news was true. You are back." He stood there looking at her.

She quickly rubbed her eyes one last time and stood up to bow in front of him.

"You are coming home. Mr Lee, please." Before he could say anything the man standing next to the driver took her luggage and started to load it into the car.

"Appa, I can-"

"Get in the car."

You pursed your lips and sat in the car and immediately the driver took off. You know where you are headed. You are going to a place you once called home. You looked out of the car but the black tainted glass made it even darker to look outside. You wished the boys do what she told them and be at peace with her gone. She now needs to find a plan to get away from her own house.


"This is the fourth time you are calling me Hoseok and the answer is still no. We haven't found her yet. I will call you when we will. You and others should turn in for the rest of the night. We have dance practice tomorrow." Said Namjoon and hung up without listening to the person on the other end.

"We search everywhere possible, Hyung. Is it possible that she went to any of the hotels?"

"I don't think so because if she would have revealed her identity, media would have covered it," Yoongi said without taking his eyes off the road.

"Where are you Sojimi?!" muttered Namjoon under his breath. He was clearly angry.

After a while Yoongi spoke after looking at his watch. It was already 2 AM and they had an early schedule for the dance practice giving them only 3 hours of sleep. "We should head home and hope that Sojimi is okay wherever she is."

"But Hyung, what if-"

"It was her decision besides she can take care of her. I trust her. She is fine." Yoongi spoke as he turned to head home. ~please be fine.~ he added in his thoughts.

When they went home the others were still waiting for them. But got disappointed to see them without Sojimi.

"Why aren't you guys in bed?" asked Yoongi pissed.

"We all are worried," said Jin trying to be calm.

"Well, we will file a report after dance practice if we don't get any news," Namjoon suggested.

"Okay." Said Jin and everyone went to their rooms for a sleepless night.

~~~~~~~At Sojimi's Place~~~~~~~

The car came to a halt after a while and you immediately knew that it's the place you are scared to set the foot in and before you got a few people came rushing to unload the trunk and you just followed your father.

As he entered a maid took his coat and he went and took his place in the middle of the grand furniture and you just stood there waiting for your father's instructions. You heard a few of the maid and butler gasp when they saw your face. You have known Mr Lee as a kid but he never looked at you once.

"Sojimi?" Your father called you and you rushed to be at his side.

"Yes, father."

"We have given you time to do whatever you want to do. We can see that you haven't achieved anything yet and those boys you fought for, are now a well-known face all over the world. You will be known to the world soon too."

You didn't know how to respond to it. It wasn't a competition. You don't even know if you got the job at big hit but you thought of letting your father know about your plans.

"Appa, I have a job interview in a few days. I'll want to go-"

"I didn't ask. You did whatever you wanted to do, you ran away from here even when warned not to be back, here you are. Now that you are here, this is my place, my property and I will tell you what to do and what not to do. Now go to your room."



You were taken aback and went straight to your room. You wondered where your mother was and you realized that your father didn't ask where were you all this while, nor asked how you have been. He looked as if he knew you were about to come back and he will find you roaming on the streets of Seoul.

You missed how happy you were with your boys but you have been selfish all this while.

You took a quick shower and changed into the clothes that you once abandoned and lay in your bed tossing and turning. You couldn't sleep for some reason. You lay awake waiting for the sunrise so that you can ask to figure something out.

You lay awake for hours when you heard few people outside your room. You checked the time to see it was 5:30 AM and you opened the door slightly to the peek.

Someone was whispering "they are coming at such short notice, maybe they are desperate."

Another person scolded "don't talk rubbish, as soon as Sojimi gets up we need to get her ready for the grand breakfast."

You slowly close the door not making any noise. You wondered what are they planning? What did your Dad do now? What is going on? You sat on the bed thinking hard about what needs to do next.

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