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While I was on a call with Will and tommy, just chatting while we fucked around on the Dream smp, I got a phone call from techno

Y/n: one sec

I muted and took off my headphones before answering

Y/n: hey tech
Techno: halloo
Y/n: woah- what the fuck happened to your voice
Techno: *sniffle* I think I'm sick
Y/n: oh my god- I'm coming over
Techno: no! You'll get sick too
Y/n: I don't care, I'm coming over. Get off the Dream smp because I know you're on, have some medicine, get into bed and I will be there
Techno: okay

I ended the call with techno and out my headphones back on. Since tommy and will weren't streaming, I could talk to them about the dating situation. Well techno and I already told each other who we have told. So far the only people that know are Niki, eret, Phil, Tommy and Will

Y/n: hey uh, I have to go. Techno's sick and I need to make sure he doesn't do stupid shit
Tommy: oh ok! Tell him I say get better soon
Will: I hope he dies of a sickness
Tommy: oh cmon now Wilbur, technoblade never dies

I laughed, said my goodbyes and ended the call before packing a few things I would need because I would probably stay over

I got into my car and drive to techno's house

30 minutes later, I arrived and unlocked the door using the key that he had given to me. I locked the door and walked towards techno's room to see him in bed, with a lot of tissues on the ground next to him

Y/n: you look like shit
Techno: I feel like shit
Y/n: you hungry?
Techno: if I have food, I will throw it up
Y/n: no food then. I'll make you some tea
Techno: I'll help
Y/n: no, stay here
Techno: but-
Y/n: end of discussion

I walked out of techno's room and to his kitchen. I made techno a warm cup of tea to help with his sore throat that I could basically hear he has

Once the tea was finished, I took it to his room. He was half asleep when I got inside

I placed the tea on the bedside table next to him and walked into his bathroom, looking for medicine

Once I had found it, I walked back into the room and placed the bottle of Advil next to techno

Y/n: need anything?
Techno: *cough* a hug from my girlfriend

I just shook my head while smiling before hugging techno. I could feel him melting under the touch. I soon pulled away and walked over, sitting next to him on the bed

Techno: thank you for coming
Y/n: no worries tech. Have some medicine with your tea and then sleep ok?
Techno: you're so responsible when t comes to me being sick
Y/n: I know

After techno had his medicine and had finished his tea. He slid down on his bed and turned on his side to face me

Y/n: going to sleep?
Techno: mhm
Y/n: I'm right here if you need anything
Techno: thank you

I patted techno's head and that seemed to get him relaxed, so I starting gently running my fingers through his hair. Within minutes, techno was fast asleep

I then remembered I had a bag of things by the door. I got out of bed and went out to bring the bag into techno's room

Before I went back to the bed, I took out my earphones, laptop and laptop charger before going back to the bed

I put my earphones in and looked through twitch to see niki streaming. I joined and watched her stream while making sure techno was still breathing


About two hours later, I felt techno shift and turned my head to see him slowly waking up

Y/n: morning sleepyhead
Techno: mmm
Y/n: how you feeling?
Techno: a bit better
Y/n: good, that's what we like to hear
Techno: what are you doing?
Y/n: watching nikis stream
Techno: nice, I feel like shit
Y/n: that's what happens when you decide to drink a cold drink on a very cold day
Techno: I thought my immune system was good
Y/n: is it?
Techno: not as good as I thought it was
Y/n: mhm
Techno: you're very pretty
Y/n: thank you

Techno turned over and grabbed his phone. The two of us sat in a comfortable silence, doing our own thing


About an hour later, I turned my head to see if techno was still awake because he was very quiet. He wasn't awake, he had fallen back asleep

He had left his phone open on twitter. I took his phone out his hand, turned it off and placed it back on the bedside table. I pulled the blankets over him a bit more and then continued watching Niki's stream

Soon, Niki ended her stream and raided eret, to which I watched their stream. He was making a new build on the smp

While watching eret's stream, I decided to try writing a new song. Due to recent events, why not?

While writing the song, techno again started to wake up

Y/n: hello again, time for medicine
Techno: ok

He took two Advil's and downed them with water before closing his eyes again

Y/n: you hungry?
Techno: kinda
Y/n: noodles?
Techno: sure

I went to the kitchen and made techno his noodles before taking t back to his room

Y/n: careful, they're hot

I placed the bowl on the bedside table and and went back to my laptop, closing the twitch tab and then saving the progress of my new song

Techno: y/n
Y/n: yeah?
Techno: I have a question
Y/n: ask away
Techno: you don't have to answer now and you can say no
Y/n: okay?
Techno: do you wanna move in with me?

Y/n.exe has stopped working

What did he just ask me?

Techno: earth to y/n?
Y/n: I'm here sorry. You just caught me off guard with that
Techno: sorry
Y/n: I'll think about it
Techno: awesome! Wanna watch a movie?
Y/n: movie sounds great


I spent the next four days at techno's house, making sure he got better. Now he was fine. Jut minor sniffles but he felt much better than before

As of now, I was getting ready to go back to my house

Techno: hey um, thanks for helping me get better
Y/n: you're welcome tech
Techno: it means a lot
Y/n: I'm just happy you're feeling better
Techno: call me later?
Y/n: will do
Techno: byeeee
Y/n: bye technooo

As I was heading for techno's front door, I stopped and turned to face him

Y/n: hey tech
Techno: yeah?
Y/n: I would love to move in with you

~1179 words~

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