Graduation Final Exam

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[Naruto Episode 1]

[Naruto Episode 1]

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Today is the day where I have to do the final exam to graduate as a genin, as an official hidden Leaf ninja. 

I doubt that it is hard so I'm not even worried. I know I can past this. 

I'm currently sitting in class right now, listening to Iruka-sensei talk about the Final Exam details. 

Iruka sensei: "We will now start the final exam. If your name is called, come to the class next door. The subject will be the replication jutsu. " 

Replication jutsu. something I could handle. it's really simple if you pay enough attention to class. but I payed far more than enough attention to fail this. 

so i just casually sit back and relaxed waiting for them to call my name. without a single care for the world. 

without a single care for anybody else behinds be, I decided placed both my arm on top of my desk, crossed it and lay my head over. 

I can hear the name being called one by one. until they finally called for me. 

"Iwai Kuroni. It's your turn. " 

hearing this coming from the front door of the class I raised my head started making my way out of the classroom into the classroom next to it. 

I hold the door nob of the classroom door, twist it and push it forward to open. 

as i enter the classroom, i can see that there is no desk nor chairs, just empty. nah not really. 

i can see a desk displaying the hidden leaf forehead protector. It's lined up perfectly. and i can also see a desk, shared by two people. 

Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei. Seems like they are the people who like.. check your exam and have to decide if you can pass or not. look i forgot what they are called. 

n e ways 

I closed the door behind me and walk into the middle of the room. 

like earlier, Iruka-sensei said we are going to do the replication jutsu, so i did it. 

me: "replication justu. " 

with just that i created 3 replica of myself. average amount. i can do more, but i'm here to past the exam not to flex. so yeah. 

After I created it, Iruka-sensei congratulate me and gave me the forehead protector. 

As I walked out of this classroom with this forehead protector in my hands, at last I am officially a ninja now. Ninja of the hidden Leaf Village. But that's just the first step. 

Oh and in a few days we will have a graduation ceremony exam. that's it for today really. 


it's night time right now. but I think the village is in a little bit of chaos right now. I don't know what is going on, but I'll ignore it for tonight. 

They are very secretive about it so the villagers won't be startled but I can tell. 

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