Part 6

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Bella'a pov:
Weeks later
Me and Marcus have gotten super close these days,we always hang out and stuff and I really really love him.

Anyways,yesterday I got a strong slap from my dad and also beaten or sum again...this time because I had a fight with Tiffany. It was her turn to wash the dishes but she didn't and mom told me to do them so I said it's not my turn and she yelled at me. Then dad came and ofc would take Tiffany's side so I got slapped and beaten and washed the dishes.

My arm was super red from the strong grip my dad had over me yesterday and my cheek was red asf. I couldn't hide it so I have to lie if someone asked,I mean no one will ask,or idk?

I wore an oversized sweater I bought yesterday from the money I got,I also save up a lot so if I'll ever need money I can use them yk? I put a pair of leggings and ran downstairs,I took my bag and walked out of the house before anyone else from the family.

???: "hey Bella wait for me" I heard someone yelling and I turned around,I saw Marcus but he was with....Martinus,Daniel and Lucas?? I stopped walking.

Marcus: "good....morning" he said out of breath,I was just scared of why he's with them..

Bella: "morning" I mumbled

Marcus: "what the- are you ok? Your face is red...what happened?"

Bella: "oh umm..I don't..don't know...I woke up like that" I said and laughed nervously,he seemed unconvinced but then he hugged me tight just like usual. I hugged him back.

Marcus: "I missed you"

Bella: "We were together yesterday"

Marcus: "I still missed you" he laughed

Bella: "oh well not gonna lie I missed ya too"

Marcus: "mm see,so it's not only me"

Bella: "nope"

We laughed at that then he smiled at me.

Marcus: "ok Bella,you already know them...and so They all apologize for what they did even tho they didn't do as much as Alexander,Mason and William. and yea,could they hang out with us?" He asked smiling,tbh the only thing that scared me was that...what if I lost him bc he'll be more with the boys...

Bella: "yes,I don't have a problem" I smiled fake and he nodded. We all walked in school and the day started.

Martinus's pov:

Well y'all saw what Marcus did,he made us APOLOGIZE for that Bella... I mean- ok. Marcus surely just feels bad for her right? Idk...anyways Bella's cheek is fully red,I wonder why

I saw him and Bella talking and then he hugged her from the side laughing,I mean is he sure he doesn't like her that way?

Later that day I was walking out of the school  as I stood by Bella waiting for Marcus,she smiled at me...I really wanted to smile back but all I did is roll my eyes.

Bella: "what's wrong?" I heard her say

Martinus: "nothing"

Bella: "well...did I do something that you roll your eyes at me? I just smiled and tried to be kind"

Martinus: "no,you're annoying and I just know that Marcus doesn't care about you! He just pity's you" I said that not even thinking about it.

I swear I care about her

Bella: "oh..." she said,I could clearly see pain in her eyes and sadness in her voice. as soon as I said that I regretted it,fuck why am I such a dick?

Marcus: "hey guys" marcus said standing next to Bella,she didn't say anything she just looked down.

Martinus: "hey bro" I said

Marcus: "let's go" he said excited and took Bella's hand in his,she pulled her hand to herself again.

The whole walk was silent and none of us talked,I was thinking about what I said and Marcus was probably overthinking while Bella is just sad about what I said.

"We're home" I yelled in the house as we all walked in. What I mean by all is Bella Marcus and I bc Marcus invited her here this morning so yesa. 

Dad was busy in his house office and mom was on the phone talking to someone,Emma was probably in her room. Marcus walked upstairs quietly and Bella followed him.

Marcus's pov:

I don't know what's wrong with Bella,am I making her uncomfortable? Like we always hold hands when we walk or something...

As we walked in my room I locked doors and she sat on my bed.

Marcus: "Bella...are you mad at me or something?" I asked her nervous

Bella: "no. Why?"

Marcus: "I don't seem off since the school day ended"

Bella: "Marcus do you pity me?" She suddenly asked after taking a deep breath. What am I supposed to say,I mean no I don't...I really like her and I think she's cool so like wtf is this question?

I stayed quiet

Bella: "so what Martinus said was true? You only pity me..." she said and I had my eyes wide open. MARTINUS SAID WHAT?

Marcus: "Bella I..I d..don't,I swe"

Bella: "it's ok Marcus,I mean who would want to be my friend for real? Everyone either leaves me or just actually hang out with me bc they feel sorry ab me but no" she said interrupting me then she took her bag and walked out of the room

I was frozen in my place not able to move. WTF JUST HAPPENED? I fastly walked to my brother's room mad and opened the doors.

Martinus: "oh hey Marcus wanna pl-"


Martinus: "Marcus I..I can explain I was just"

Marcus: "I DONT WANT FUCKING EXPLANATION. Now she's mad and she doesn't want to believe me. BC OF YOU" I yelled ready to cry,I couldn't anymore to be honest. When I finally was with someone who loves me for me and treat me like I'm special and not just the twin brother of the perfect twin Martinus,he ruined it. Just like everything else.

Martinus: "I can explain her that I was just mad"

Marcus: "just stop. I'm just so done with whatever we are,always people treat you differently bc you're the perfect twin. I'm always the boring one,the one who's just super weak. Even our fans think so! And when I finally was happy bc bella doesn't make me feel like ruined it. You ruined everything. I don't want to talk to you ever again. I FUCKING HATE YOU"

Whoop,drama is happening...what would happen next?

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