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I heard muffled voices talking across the room. They seemed to be whispering, and I couldn't make out what they were saying. I sat up in the comfy bed that I was laying in, which felt as if I was on top of a hundred pillows. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I saw. I was in an enormous room with many expensive decorations and furniture. The sheets on the bed I was on were solid gold, as well as the pillows.
Across the room stood a double door that looked to be about eight feet tall. The ceiling must've been at least 20 feet tall, with the biggest chandelier I've ever seen. It was made of pure diamond, and was clearer than glass. Next to the bed was a nightstand made of mahogany, and on top was an oil lamp that was unlit. On the other side of the bed was another nightstand, yet this one had the most beautiful candle I had ever seen. It was bright orange, like the color of the sunset, and on it was the most complex pattern I had ever seen. It shone brightly, somehow illuminating the entire room. On the wall to the left of the door was a window that was taller than me and wider than an SUV.
"I see that you're awake," said someone from the opposite side of the room of the window. I looked over to see who it was. It was the two people I had heard talking earlier. One was a boy who looked to be about as old as John. His hair was dark brown, and was just above his eyebrows. His skin was very tan, as if he always outside.
Next to him was a girl. She looked to be a tad bit younger than the boy. They looked extremely similar, as if they were related. She had the same complexion and hair color. Her hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back.
"Yeah, I guess so," I said as I got out of the bed. "Who are you?"
"I'm Parker. And this is my sister, Susanne," replied the boy as he gestured to the girl.
"Yes. We are very excited that you have answered our call of help. It seems though that your brother is a heavy sleeper," giggled the girl as she pointed to the bed. I saw my brother there, sleeping soundlessly. I hadn't even noticed him before. Thinking of him actually sleeping next to me made me want to barf.
"Yeah, he sleeps a lot," I said. "Hey. John wake up," I told him while shaking him.
"Stop saying that," he responded. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and yawned. When he opened his eyes, he gaped at the room.
"Wow," he muttered.
"We are glad you are both awake, and we would like for you to rest and become comfortable. Unfortunately, this is a perilous time, and our master has requested your presence immediately," instructed Parker.
"Who are you?" asked John.
"I am Parker, and this is my sister Susanne," he replied.
"Please, if you would follow us," directed Susanne. John got out of bed, and we followed them out of the room.
"It's good to see you again," said John.
"Yeah, same here," I replied and smiled at him.
"Grandma sent me here. She explained to me what happened," he said and recounted what had happened while I was gone.
"Wow," I responded. "So I guess we're here to save the world then," I told him. We were still following Parker and Susanne. We had so far walked through a hallway, and we emerged into what looked like a throne room.
There were many people inside, all running around doing something. On the throne, which was made of pure platinum, was a handsome man. He looked around 35 years old, and he was shouting orders to everyone. He had creases in his forehead, in deep concentration. It looked as if he hadn't smiled in years.
"Where are we?" questioned John to me.
The man turned to us, finally recognizing us. He breathed a sigh of relief, and actually smiled.
As if answering John's question, he said, "Ah. Our saviors are here at last!" Everyone in the room cheered. "Welcome, my friends, to Ryluscana!"

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