Chapter 1

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I'm in a completely dark room and at first I think my eyes are closed. I slowly let my eyes adjust until I can see a figure of something hanging down from an invisible ceiling. I can't make out what it is, but despite this, I feel my body walking towards it. I try to stop as the hair stands up on the back of my neck but my body won't obey. It feels as if I'm possessed. Within seconds, I'm close enough to see the figure. I step up on to a chair that I could have sworn wasn't there before and slowly slip the noose around my neck. I feel weightless for a split second as the chair is kicked out from under me and my eyes snap open.

I wake up with a start and clutch my chest while rubbing my neck with my other hand. The hell was that? I think this to myself while I mindlessly start getting dressed. It's not until my dad's voice rings down the hall that anything besides the nightmare registers.

"Y/N, are you ready yet?" He sounds slightly impatient. I take a quick glance at my clock and see that I overslept later than usual.

"Yeah, just a second," I call back. I put on my shoes, comb my fingers through my hair, grab my bags and leave my room.

"Here's your dorm key and something to eat on your way to university." He says while he hands me a silver key and a brown paper bag. I had spent the summer back home but now that school's starting again, I have to catch my taxi to move three states over.

"Thanks dad," I grab my stuff and head out the door to see the yellow taxi waiting outside my one floor suburban house. "Hey Roman, sorry I kept you waiting," I say as I toss all of my bags into the back seat before I climb into the front. Roman has driven me to and from school since grade school. He has thinning grey hair with a bald spot hidden under his baseball cap. His lifeless brown eyes reveal his age of late seventies but even so, there's nothing but kindness that can be seen through them.

"Don't worry about it kiddo," he responds while ruffling my hair. I can't help but laugh quietly. He slowly pulls the car forward, leaving behind my house.

"You know I'm not a kid anymore," I say playfully. "I'm in my second year of college."

"Really? I could've sworn you were still in middle school yesterday," he teases me, earning him another laugh.

"But in all seriousness, you okay kid? You look kinda tired," he says, narrowing his eyes at the road ahead slightly.

Interaction, choose what Y/N responds with:

Truth: "Well, not exactly..." - Chapter 2

Lie: "I'm fine, just fell asleep late." - Chapter 3

Word count: 487

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