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Lupa - wolf goddess of the moon, takes in demigods and trains them to be heroes, if they don't survive or can't handle the training the wolves are supposed to kill them
in pjo and hoo, when she determines they are strong enough she sends them to camp jupiter

Camp Jupiter - a camp of Roman demigods in San Francisco Bay Area (characters = Reyna, Jason, Frank and Hazel are from hoo books)
Camp Half-blood - Greek equivalent of Camp Jupiter, where the pjo books are set

Roman gods (not all, relevant ones to story) -

Jupiter = king of gods/ god of sky & thunder (Greek form: Zeus)
Juno = queen/goddess of marriage & family (Greek form: Hera)
Apollo = god of the sun & music & poetry (Greek: Apollo)
Arcus = goddess of rainbows (Greek: Iris)
Bacchus = god of wine (Greek: Dionysus)
Bellona =goddess of War (Greek: Enyo)
Ceres = goddess of agriculture & farming (Greek: Demeter)
Diana = maiden goddess of the hunt (Greek: Artemis)
Fortuna = goddess of chance (Greek: Tyche)
Juventas = goddess of youth (Greek: Hebe)
Mars = god of War (Greek: Ares)
Mercury = god of messengers & travellers & thieves (Greek: Hermes)
Minerva = (maiden) goddess of wisdom & strategy in battle (Greek: Athena)
Nemesis = goddess of revenge (Greek: Nemesis)
Neptune = god of the sea (Greek: Poseidon)
Pluto = god of the underworld & precious metals (Greek: Hades)
Somnus = god of sleep (Greek: Hypnos)
Trivia = goddess of magic (Greek: Hecate)
Venus = goddess of love (Greek: Aphrodite)
Vesta = goddess of the hearth & home (Greek: Hestia)
Victoria = goddess of victory (Greek: Nike)
Vulcan = god of blacksmiths (Greek: Hephaestus)

Note - in the pjo, hoo and toa books Camp Jupiter is in San Francisco so I used as many Americanisms as I can remember (eg mom)
Set in August 2010 (because its set between Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo)
Also I wanted to use pathetic fallacy so just ignore what the weather should actually be like in California

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