Chapter 9 Mistake Attack by Flower Peacock

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No wonder it is said that the child is the sun at one o'clock. Qin Yiyi sighed inwardly when he saw this vigorous scene soberly.

The children at the gate of g are full of youthful smiles. The school uniform is much better than when she was in elementary school. I don't know if it is a different age or a different school. In short, white background and blue border, boys wearing short shorts and girls pleated skirts, this navy style style looks very cute on them.

There is a teacher on duty standing at the door, and every child will raise a smile and say hello to the teacher when they pass by.

Qin Yiyi was held by Meng Shichen and passed by the teacher. Hearing his cold voice sounded, he thought that the child was cool on weekdays, but he was very careful about manners.

Later, I learned that as Meng Shichen, he didn't seem to be very enthusiastic to greet him until he was able to see him. Outsiders he wouldn't even look at him.

Raising a cute and delicate face, trying to draw a sweet and pleasant smile, a sweet and glutinous voice sounded, "Hello teacher!" Regardless of status, respecting the teacher is at least a traditional virtue.

"Haha, hello!" The teacher on duty showed his affection and replied with a smile.

In the past month, this well-known student has captured the hearts of the teachers, including the staff, and even the students of the school. Sometimes, some pupils even went to the classroom of Meng Shichen to see her.

It was really curious at first because of this setting, but later I saw Qin Yiyi not only not being noisy, but also sometimes acting like listening to the class seriously.

One time, a teacher was so cute by her that she couldn't hold back for a while and asked her a question. After speaking, the teacher regretted it. No matter how smart Qin Yiyi looks, he is more than one year old. This can't answer. Even if the child's self-confidence is not affected, I am afraid that he will not be interested in learning in the future. But at that time, because the teacher said well, Qin Yi listened very seriously, and the answer slipped out of his mouth if he didn't pay attention. Seeing the teacher's shocked expression, the classmates looked envious and curious, and the suspicious arc of Meng Shichen's mouth, Qin Yiyi really wanted to slap himself.

Fortunately, it was a very simple subject, but since then, the name of the prodigy has been spread on campus.

When the preparation bell was ringing in the first class, most of the children in the class were already seated. Meng Shichen carried an oversized backpack in his left hand, and walked in with Qin Yi in his right hand.

Speaking of Qin Yiyi, he was always puzzled. She obviously ate every meal with Meng Shichen, but why he seemed to be a lot stronger in just over half a year. Not only can you hold yourself firmly with one hand, but you can also hold such a heavy object in the other hand.

Because of family factors, many of the rich and powerful children are relatively precocious. Seeing Meng Shichen actually brought people to school, they would not think that it was because the family was poor and no one took the children. Just looking at Meng Shichen and Qin one by one in their outfits and pies, they knew in their hearts that this male classmate must be very good at home.

While everyone was watching, Qin Yiyi was released by Meng Shichen in a seat specially prepared for her. He glanced around, and a group of people smiled kindly.

In fact, Qin Yiyi thought that they were a bit too compelling at first, but grandpa and the others didn't seem to have any reaction. Now, in her heart, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to the family, nothing is just a cloud.

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