Chapter 44 A Blessing in Misfortune

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"Doctor! How is it?! How is he?"

    "Where's my dad? Where's my dad ?!" "Is Guosheng okay?

    " As

    soon as the door opened, almost everyone surrounded him immediately, letting the doctor who had just appeared Startled.

    After more than ten hours of hard work, the doctor is already very tired, and the exhaustion on the face makes people feel a little bit of a headache.

    Qin Yiyi didn't surround her, she was the one who had been standing at the gate, but now she was squeezed to the outside by a group of people.

    Looking at the doctor who raised his head and looked at them, Qin Yiyi suddenly felt that the most cruel place in the world might be the operating room.

    Because only one door separates life and death.

    This doctor is a foreigner, who was sent by Meng Shichen immediately. Instead of answering everyone's questions, he walked through the crowd and walked in front of Meng Shichen and Qin Yiyi.

    "Master, miss."

    Qin Yiyi stared at this young-looking but world-renowned brain doctor. His fingernails sank into his palms, and his sensitive nerves couldn't feel the pain. of vertigo.

    "How is it?"

    Hugging her behind Qin Yiyi, Meng Shichen asked the question that Qin Yiyi didn't dare to ask.

    Qin Yiyi has always felt that she is very lucky all her life, she can get what she wants without looking for it, and disasters never seem to happen to her.

    But at the moment when the doctor shook his head, Qin Yiyi suddenly thought that she would rather have a life full of disasters, more miserable than her previous life, than get this kind of news at this moment.

    Under everyone's staring eyes, the young doctor frowned slightly and shook his head.

    The rest of Qin Yiyi didn't see or hear anything, he just felt his eyes go dark, and his mind kept roaring as if he had been trampled by thousands of wild horses.





    There were almost constant sounds, but Qin Yiyi felt that the sound was getting farther and farther away, until finally, he couldn't hear anything anymore.


    Meng Shichen, who never gets angry easily, was surrounded by black aura at this moment. In his rage, he carefully hugged Qin Yiyi, kicked the doctor to the ground, and even slid far away. It is estimated that if Meng Shichen didn't dare to make big moves because he wanted to hold Qin Yiyi, he might have kicked him to death.

    Seeing the complete chaos outside, those who supported Grandma Qin's rescue, standing there in a daze, and Meng Shichen, who was holding Qin Yiyi and was about to leave, Yuemeiwu took off her mask and was blindfolded.

    How is this going?

    "What's the matter with you?"

    Now no one has the time to talk to her, everyone is doing their own things, Meng Shichen's footsteps are almost at the door.

    Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Yuemeiwu curled her lips, but she was used to it, but she still yelled.

    "I said, no matter how messy you are, you will leave someone behind to hear the result!"

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