Chapter 1 How they come to raise you

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I don't own any of the characters or the whorled this is a fanmade story scenarios please support the game and the craters for Touhou.

Remilia Scarlet: It was a ‎‎normal night in the Scarlet devil mansion whish means that Remilia Scarlet was bored to no end. There had been nothing interesting happing lately so Remilia was bored out of her mind, so bored that she in fact decided to fly out to the near by village. So she went up to the roof top and took flight in to the night sky. However she didn't get far before something got her attention. On a near by cliff closes to were Remilia was flying, was a hooded figure with a little bundle in theirs arms. The hooded figure looks around before looking down on the little bundle in there arms, then looking over the edge of the cliff. It was at this moment that Remilia realize the bundle was a baby, and by the looks of it not older than one month. Remilia was quickly shaken out of her shock when the hooded figure throw the baby down the cliff. Remilia didn't even think before she was flying down to catch the baby. She caught the baby right before it hit the ground and took to the sky again. Once up in the sky again did Remilia take a look at the baby that was now in hers arms, she saw that the baby was a b/g and had s/c and h/c hair but the most noticeable was there eyes the baby's right eye was e/c but there left eye was a crimson red. Remilia only thought was "Well now this is interesting" She looks up from the little b/g to see that the hooded figure was long gone by now. All of the sudden little giggles and gurglers culled be herd, Remilia looks down at the little b/g to see them looking up at them smiling. The baby was trying to reach hers wings all the while laughing and giggling. "Well I did fly out to find something to kill my boredom." Thought Remilia has she was gently swinging the baby back and forth all the while smiling. "It looks likes you are coming back home with me now, doesn't it?" Remilia askes the little toddler and the little toddler laugh in respond. "Then it's settle" Remilia laugh as well then starts flying back to the mansion. Not knowing that she would forever cherries this child for all eternity. 

Flandre Scarlet: (God help you and me with this one.) Flandre Scarlet was in her room has always, and she was bored so bored, there is noting to entertain her self with. Flandre was getting fed up with begin locket up in the basement all the time, with noting to do. " I wise there was something to do, something different then the normal stuff." Flander said out loud to the empty room. "I don't want to be alone any more... I just want someone down here with me." She whimpered not knowing that fate was going to give her just that.  A rift with in space it self appears in the the room but this rift hade eyes many eyes for that matter. Flandre know whos doing this and is curious to what they are up to. From the rift exit a women with a basket in her arms, the women took one look at Flandre then the basket. Then without saying anything lade down the basket on the floor and entered the rift without saying a word. The rift disappeared and Flandre was now alone with the basket. Flandre moved torts the basket and looks' down to see what was in the basket. What she saw surprise her. In the basket was a baby no more than a month old, it was a b/g with a puff of h/c hair and s/c skin and beautiful e/c eyes. Flandre kept looking at the baby then giggle and said while picking the baby up " Your mine now." This would be the begging of Flandre biggest adventure ever.

Patchouli Knowledge: In the library of the scarlet devil mansion was  Patchouli with quitch a predicament. In front of her was a baby siting giggling at her. Now Patchouli had no ide why or how there was a baby in the library or how it even got here. Now what is she to do with this child? Patchouli picketed up the child and looks' it over before siting down with the baby on her lap. The baby laugh all the while trying to grab her hair or her bocks. This made her smile a little bit. " Well now I have a reading partner at lest." Patchouli said to her self and picket up a bock to read to the baby. This was the start of a strong bond.           

Koakuma: ( God she is hard to writ.) Koakuma was busy staking bocks  when she heard giggling  behind one of the shells. Confused she went to investigate just to find a baby. " What a baby? What's a baby doing here?" She asks but no one answers obviously. She looks around for any parents or family but finds none again obviously. She then looks at the baby and says "Awww your cute I think I keep you!" And so starts a craze journey.

  Sakuya Izayoi: Sakuya was cleaning the hallway when someone knocks on the front door. Sakuya was confused they had a guard out side so how can someone be knocking on the door. "Hong better not have fallen a sleep again." Sakuya thought has she was waking to the front door.  Noting could have prepared her for what was on the other side of the door. When she opened the door so was she meet with crying. There right on the door step was a basket with a baby in it, the baby could not be more than a month old. Sakuya was shocked that someone would just leave a baby out in the cold like that. She looks around to see if anyone else was there but there was no-one other then Hong Meiling sleeping on the job again. Sakuya picketed up the baby and decided to take it in. " Well little one welcome to the devil scarlet mansion." she said smiling a bit not knowing that this child would be her whole whorled.

   Hong Meiling: Meiling was sleeping on the job again. It was a slow day and it was raining, so Meiling hade decided to take a nap. But someone hade different plans for her. Meiling was woken up by the sound of running foot step, running strait torts her. What she saw was a man running with a baby in there arms. The man stops in front of Meiling and shove the baby to her saying " Don't let them take my child please I beg you protect them!" The man continue to run away. "W-wait! You cant just leave your baby to random people!" Meiling screamed after the man but the man just kept on running. "Wow some people just don't know manners this days." Meiling sigs not knowing what to do with a baby. Meiling looks down on the baby in her arms before deciding to keep the baby after all. "Well looks like its you and me now doesn't it little buddy. She says knowing she in for a big adventure.   

Please let me know what I need to improve with my writing on thanks for stopping by to read the bock more to come in the future.                                                          

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