They give you your name.

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I wise to apologize for the long wait, life have been kicking my ass but Im back now

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I wise to apologize for the long wait, life have been kicking my ass but Im back now. My plan is to write one or two chapters pere month once agan Im so sorry for the long wait and thank you for stoping by. And i dont own any of the charcters they belong to Tohou Project plese surport the owner.

Remilia Scarlet: Remilia arrived to mansion rater quickly. She was met by her head maid Sakuya Izayoi, Sakuya was surprise to see her mistress return so quickly even more surprise to see her with a baby in her arms.

"My lady why do you have a baby with you?" Sakuya ask not really sure what she is seeing is real or not. Sakuya did however find it cute seeing her mistress holding a baby so carefully to her chest. Like a mother holding there new born in a mothers embrace.

  "This is my new entertainment." Remilia responded calmly looking down on the baby softly with a little smile on her face.          

"I see well shall I have a room ready for them?" Sakuya asked with a smile, she was happy for her mistress.

"Yes have a crib plact in my room, little y/n is geting sleppy." Remilia said without looking up to Sakuya.

"Little y/n?"Sakuya asked a little surprie over the name.

"Yes y/n Scarlet that's their name now" Remilia said with a voice that left no room for argument.

"Very well my lady, I will informe the maids that has well. Now is there anything else you need my lady?" Sakuya said with a calm voice not at all shaken by her mistress tone.

"Yes that will be all for now, but later bring me some thing for y/n to eat." Remilia said while beginning to walk away to her room, still holding little y/n close and still with a smile on her face.

Flandre Scarlet: Flandre was overjoyed to have someone else here with her, but she didn't have a clue what to name the baby. A name is a must in Flandre mind! Her new frined needs a name but what? What name would be good enough for her new roomate?

"Grrrr why is this so difficult!? Just name them anything... No it have to be perfect!" Flandre said to her self all the while she was walking  around in circles. She really wants to give the child the perfect name for them.

"Nononono None of those name are any good." This was a lot harder then Flandre thought it would be. 

"Maybe something from one of the storys big sis and Sakuya used to tell me, wait that's it! Yes that's perfec!" Flandre scream out loud and ran to the baby but stopt her self befor picking them up.

"I dont whant them to go pop or spalt or snap! I have to be careful with them." Flandre said to her self befor picking up the baby carefully.

"You hear that? Your name will be y/n Scarlet its perfect!" Flandrae laugh out loud and little y/n Scarlet laugh right along her. (What a lovely littel family we got going here am I right?)

Patchouli Knowledge: Patchouli was still siting down and reading a story for the baby, when one of the chacters name stuck out to her.

"Y/n hmmm that's a good name, y/n Knowledge I like it." Patchouli looked at the baby and the baby looked back at her and giggle.

"Well that's good enough for me." Patchouli thought while simling, she then started reading a bock about what you need to know to take care of a baby.

Koakuma: (Siriusly she is the hardest to write of all of them.) Koakuma was having a hard time to decide a name for the baby.

 "Hmmm how about y/n? Yes that will do." Or not this is Koakuma we are talking about after all.(I swere I will do better with her but please give me some tips to how to write her)

Sakuya Izayoi: Sakuya have just finish drying up the baby from the rainwater, then she rollde a towle around the baby. (A baby burrito!)

"There we go all dry up now little one." She was in her room with the baby laying on her bed, she was pondering what to do with the baby. She didin't know why she felt a pain in her heart when she saw the baby out in the coldrain, but she felt it a pain stabing her right in the heart. All she know is that she just can't keep them in the mansion and that hurt for some reason.

"It's not safe here in the mansion for a baby, so why do I feel sad about the thought of leveng them in a nere by village?" Sakuya thought while picking up the baby. It felt nice in Sakuya opinion, holding a baby that is. It just felt right to be holding the baby in her arms. She then came to a decision when she lookt in to the baby e/c eyes.

"No it won't be safe out there, it's much safer here in the mansion. After all here I can care and protect them, isn't that right my y/n Izayoi?" Sakuya said to her new child with a smile on her face. The baby just laugh and giggle at ther new mother.

Hong Meiling: Meiling was still out in the rain with the baby in her arms and with absolutely no idea on what she should do next. She know notinge about how to take care of a baby, yet here she is with a baby in her arms. That's is when the baby started to shiver and whining making Meiling panice.

"Nonono shh shh there there everything is going to be alrightI little buddy I promise." Meiling said while trying to figure out what to do next. She know that leveng them in a neraby village was out off the question, since there is something or someone out there hunting them.

"Well first thing first, we have to get you in doors and warme. Then we need to get you something to eat and some new dry clothes. Meiling said while beginning to walk to the mansion.

"Oh we also need to give you a name too. Hmmm what about y/n Hong? That's a good name dont you agree littel buddy or wait I mean y/n. Meiling said to the now named y/n, but y/n just smiled at Meiling. And Meiling smiled right back at them.

Well that's dose it for this chapter sorry that two of them became so short but I will do better I promise. Request and new ideas are welcome has well has tips on how to in prove this bock and my writing. Also I am thinking of making a Touhou Girlfriend  scenario bock has well with six charcters, so tell me which one you want in there and thank you all for stoping by see you all later.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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