Let's Do It - Yuuji Terushima

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"Okay, done." You step away from Terushima, hair dye in hand. "You positive you want to dye your hair?" Terushima asks as you sit down. "Yeah, positive." He starts working the bleach into your hair, the h/c slowly fading to blonde. Your favorite playlist played from his phone as the two of you talked. "Neon green." Terushima picks up the box.

"You really are insane," he says. "We both look ridiculous with these plastic things on our heads and you want to say I'm insane?" Plastic caps were wrapped around your heads as you waited to rinse out the bleach and dye. "Time to rinse yours," Teru says. After yours was rinsed, any trace of h/c was gone and replaced with platinum blonde. 

"Time to make me green!" you say, practically throwing the box at Terushima. As he works the neon dye into your hair, you make a TikTok of the two of you singing a very off-key version of 'Stacy's Mom'. 

"Green's a nice color on you, babe," Teru says as he scrubs the excess dye from his hands. "You should've worn gloves, idiot," you tease him. "Also, weren't you telling me I was insane about, oh, let's say, ten minutes ago?"

"Oh, shut up." 

To kill time, you grab your Nintendo Switch and play Animal Crossing. "What is it with you and Animal Crossing?" You shrug and start completing quests. Teru starts playing COD: Black Ops with Kenma and Kuroo. "Behind you, Kenma." You set your Switch aside and admire your boyfriend.

Terushima wasn't wearing a shirt because he took it off to dye his hair, the white headset contrasted well with his golden hair, his fingers flicked the buttons on his controller with ease and accuracy as his eyes never left the screen. "Yeah, invite Bokuto!" Teru turns to you. 

"Wanna play, babe?" You nod. He tugs you into his lap and gives you his controller and headset. "Hey, hey, hey, Y/n!"

"Hey, Bokuto!" you reply. After a game or two, Teru helps you finish your hair, the neon green strands resting on your shoulders. "Okay, done." Teru uncovers your eyes. "Holy shit, it's perfect!" 

"Send us pictures!" you hear Kuroo say over the mic. "Will do, but first, how about a 2v2? Me and Bokuto versus you and Kenma?" you say once you're back on Teru's bed, once again sitting in his lap. "Bet!"

"Why not Kenma and Y/n?" Kenma asks. "We'd be too powerful," you say. "Fair point." During the battle, you and Kenma have a full-on war while Bokuto and Kuroo mess around with each other. "Bokuto, I need back-up!" 

"On my way!" Finally, you and Bokuto manage to beat Kuroo and Kenma. "Bye, guys!" you say before logging off. Terushima takes his controller and headset and puts them away. "You're pretty hot when you're focused like that. You look so intense," Terushima says, laying down next to you.

"That so? You're pretty hot yourself when you decide to not wear a shirt," you retort as he lays his head on your chest. "Love you, idiot," Terushima mumbles. "Love you, too, loser."

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