Sister, Sister - Denki Kaminari

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"Y/n, I'm here, dumbass!" You walk downstairs sleepily, considering you just woke up from a three-hour nap. "Would you shut up?" you groan, rubbing your eyes. "Yeah, whatever. You feeling any better?" Katsuki asks. "Not really, no." He nods before turning around. "Morons, you can come in!" 

Four of Katsuki's friends walk in. "Oh, you must be Y/n! I'm Mina Ashido, but Mina's fine!" the pink girl says. "It's nice to meet you," you reply. "This is Shitty Hair, Dunce Face, and Soy Sauce Face." You smack Katsuki on the back of the head. "Their real names, Kats," you correcty. "Fine!" 

"Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, and Hanta Sero." You smile. "See, how hard was that? I'm Y/n Bakugou, it's nice to meet you," you say. "We never see you at U.A., Y/n. Do you go to school somewhere else?" Sero asks.

"I do go to U.A. but I'm in Support Course. I failed the entrance exam," you confess. "That's why I'm trying to get Mineta kicked out of 1-A. How he beat Y/n I'll never know," Katsuki adds. "Well, I'm retreating to my room. Nice meeting you all. Kats, Mom and Dad are both working late tonight so I'll cook. Your friends are welcome to stay if they'd like."

You walk upstairs carrying whatever snack you wanted. You crawl into bed and press play on the episode of Haikyuu! you were watching. "Oi, Dunce Face, leave Y/n alone!" You hear footsteps race up the stairs, stopping in front of your door. "Y/n?" You get up and open the door. Sero and Kaminari stood there.

"He heard the Haikyuu! theme song," Sero explains. "Uh, yeah. You guys wanna watch with me?" Eventually, all six of you ended up lying in your bed watching Haikyuu! 

"Alright, it's six o'clock. What do you guys want for dinner?" you ask as you get up. "Whatever you're making, Y/n!" Kaminari pipes up. "Yeah, whatever you want," Katsuki adds as he snuggles back into Kirishima. "Can any of you be trusted in the kitchen? I'm gonna need some help."

"Sero's probably your best shot," Kirishima says. "Kaminari, you can come, too." Kaminari cheers and follows you and Sero downstairs. You couldn't lie to yourself, Kaminari was ridiculously cute and hilarious. "So why don't you trust Bakugou in the kitchen?" Kaminari asks as you walk around the large kitchen gathering ingredients.

"Well, one time when we were about thirteen or fourteen, my mom told us to put out chicken to thaw for dinner that night, and of course we forgot. Katsuki hears my mom pull up in the driveway and I threw the chicken at him. He thawed it with his quirk and almost blew up the house. And he almost blew up the kitchen on Mother's Day that year, too."

By now, you'd gathered everything you'd need to make chow mein noodles and teriyaki chicken, one of Katsuki's favorites. "Ugh, Kirishima and Bakugou must really like each other. It's kind of gross," Mina grumbles as she sits next to Kaminari at the breakfast bar. "So Kirishima's they guy Katsuki never shuts up about?" you ask, setting the knife you were using down.

"Oh, yeah. They've liked each other since the USJ attack when they got warped into the collapse zone together," Sero says from over by the stove. "No way!" You go back to cutting vegetables. Kaminari plays some music from his phone and the four of you start singing. "I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I can study thinking about you!" 

You and Sero cook the food while Kaminari and Mina dance around together. "Katsuki must really like Kirishima," you say absently to Sero. "Yeah, he does. We're all thankful for Kirishima because he keeps Bakugou from killing us." You laugh softly. Your hot-headed older twin brother was your polar opposite. 

You were calm and quiet while he was aggressive and loud. Katsuki took after your mom and you took more after your dad. "Okay, this is done." Mina and Kaminari slide into the kitchen. "They're probably sleeping. I'm going to their plates to them. You take the plates from Sero and the chopsticks from Mina. "Kats? I brought you and Kirishima dinner."

Sure enough, they were both asleep on Katsuki's bed. You leave the plates on his nightstand, smiling at your brother before walking back downstairs. The conversation over dinner between you and your new friends was animated as you traded stories about your U.A. adventures. "Well, we can wait for them to get up or we could watch more Haikyuu!," you say after the dishes were done.

"Haikyuu!" The four of you jump on the couch like this: Kaminari, you, Mina, and Sero. You turn on Haikyuu! and lean against Kaminari, who wraps his arm around you. Mina and Sero kept nudging each other and laughing as they teased you and Kaminari. A few episodes in, the four of you were cracking jokes and yelling ships at the screen.

Empty plastic bottles littered the coffee table from all the pop you drank. You all ended up passing out on the couch, too tired to move elsewhere. Your parents came home that night and saw you and your new found friends asleep. In Katsuki's room, Kirishima and Katsuki were eating their dinner and watching Netflix.

The food was a little cold but neither boy minded. The next morning, you wake up, a groan leaving your mouth. Sero was laying on Mina, who was laying on you, and you were laying against Kaminari. Come on, how can be even cuter when he's sleeping!? "You like him, don't you?" You look behind you and see Kirishima leaning against the wall. 

"Um, yeah- no!" you whisper-yell. "Oh, come on, Y/n! You so do! He likes you, too!" You stare at the red head, who nods. "Okay, so what if I do!" you retort.

"You like me?" Kaminari asks, his voice slightly raspy with sleep. "Um, yeah," you mutter. "Good, because I like you, too. Hopefully, your brother won't kill me." 

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