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Lalisa and I got out of the movies.

As soon as she looked at me with that teasing smile, I already knew what she was going to say. Slowly, I looked at her, nodding my head. "I get it," I mumbled.

She laughed out loud, nodding her head enthusiastically. "You are a man of your word. Good for you."

"But you cried, too . . ." I mumbled, looking away.

"You cried first, though?" Lalisa arched an eyebrow at me.

Argh, this is embarrassing. I didn't expect that I'd get emotional because of that movie. I do get emotional, but not that quickly.

"Hey," she called me. "You don't need to be embarrassed."

I shook my head, denying it. "I'm not."

"I like how genuine and pure you are, Kookie," she reassured me with a smile. "So please don't change that."

No, not again. I could feel my face heating up. She giggled, probably noticing it. Nudging me, she checked her wristwatch.

"It's 7:30PM. My curfew is up till 9PM."

"Where do you live? I'll take you home," I insisted.

"I forgot about that." She giggled. "Thanks."

Do I like her?

"I was told that you were charming, but I didn't figure that you'd be this charming." She smiled once again.

I do.

"By the way, we have this performance next week . . ." she started off.

I like her.

"And I happen to have an extra ticket . . ."

I really like her.

"Do you want to watch me perform?" she asked.

A smile escaped my lips. God, I like her.

"I'd love to," I excitedly answered.

"Cool," she mumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I'll give you the ticket tomorrow, then. I promise."


"Hyung," I called Yoongi hyung.

Jin hyung went out on a date and we were craving for some homemade cooking. So, Yoongi hyung and I decided to cook ourselves. Since the two of us were alone, I figured that it'd be a good time to ask him about the whole nine lives thing.

"Hm?" Yoongi hyung responds. Although he didn't look at me since he was busy mincing some of the ingredients, I knew that he was paying attention.

"Can you tell me more about this whole reincarnation thing?" I asked him. "I've only been taught the basics. I lack knowledge about the rest."

Yoongi hyung subtly chuckles. "A typical first life. Curious we ever." He finally dawns his eyes at me, a faint smile escaping his lips. "Just to warn you . . ." he mumbles.

Warn . . . me?

"The more you know about it, the more complex it gets. And the more complex it gets, the more . . ." Yoongi pauses, his eyes beginning to be wistful. He releases the knife he was holding and sighs, seeming to get reminiscent.

"The more what, hyung?" I ask.

Yoongi hyung gives me a small smile, shrugging. "The more tragic it is." Yoongi hyung finishes his sentence. Seeing how my expression changed into a rather dejected one, he clears his throat. "I don't wanna ruin anything, Jungkook. You're full of life . . . you should keep being that way."

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