Chapter 1- The New Art Teacher

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         You sat in your desk as you looked out the classroom window. You then looked back down at your desk as you continued to draw on your notebook. You never really liked your math classes as you already knew the materials. "Why listen when I already know all this." You thought to yourself as you continued to doodle on your notebook.

Ring! Ring!

       The lunch bell loudly rang as your classmates got up and quickly left. You where one of the last ones to leave your classroom as you looked at your schedule. "Finally a class that isn't boring Visual arts." You smiled at yourself as you made your way to your locker. You put all your books away as you got out a small draw strong book bag that held your art supplies. You slung the small book bag over your shoulder as you made your way to the cafeteria.

          You got in the lunch line and grabbed your lunch as you sat down by yourself. You didn't really have any friends in this new school since you never really spoke to anyone. You rolled up your sleeves a bit and looked at  the scars in your arms. You sighed as you rolled your sleeve back down. You didn't look forward to returning home to your abusive father. He would always come home drunk and take his anger out on you. He also constantly tried to force you to date his bosses son. When in reality you didn't even want to date anyone. 

         So far your drawings, school and your imagination where your only safe havens. You took a deep breath as you finished your lunch. You then walked to your locker and got out the remaining notebooks you would need for the last three classes. You made your way to the art room and saw you where the first one there. You knocked at the art room door as what seemed to be the new art teacher opened the door.

          He wore a blue button down long sleeve shirt that matched his blue eyes, under that he wore a white shirt. He looked at you as you saw he had eye bags as if he didn't sleep often. "Wait are you the new art teacher?" You asked as you smiled. "Yes I am the new art teacher..." he smiled faintly as he spoke in a soft yet gentle tone.
"Hey ummm... Teacher you never said your name? Or what do we call you?" You asked as he stopped making eye contact with you.

         "I know I'm suppose to be called by my last name. However I don't mind being called by my first name..." He muttered as you tilted your head a bit. "Why not call me Mr. Helen. He added as he smiled a bit. "Mr. Helen may I stay inside while I wait for the rest of my class?" You asked as Mr. Helen nodded and entered the classroom.  You followed him inside and saw the classroom was clean not counting some messy paint buckets.

        You sat at your table knowing that some other students might join you. You always knew that art classes would always have students pair up to do large scale projects together. You set your supplies on the table and quickly organized it. You glanced up at Mr. Helen and saw he was having lunch at his desk. You felt a bit bad that you interrupted his lunch time since most teachers seemed to enjoy their free time. Right when Mr. Helen was looking up to look at you, you quickly opened your sketch book and held a pencil.

       He smiled softly and went back to his lunch. You flipped though your sketch book looking for any unfinished drawings you had. But,  most of them where just missing some coloring so you decided to draw a new drawing as you turned to a blank page. After a few minutes you looked up at the time and saw there where 30 minutes remaining of lunch for other students. You then looked at Mr. Helen as he seemed to be watching you draw.  He suddenly jolted up as he noticed you where looking at him and looked at his computer.

        You chuckled as you looked up at Mr. Helen. "Mr. Helen I know you where looking at my drawing. Hey your an art teacher do you have any tips you can give me?" You smiled as Mr. Helen got up and walked over to you. "Mind if I look through your other drawings?" Mr. Helen asked as you nodded. He looked through your other drawings as you saw a gleam in his eyes. He handed you your sketch book as he began to think for a moment.

       "Your drawings are amazing but, you could use some practice with blending in colors." Mr. Helen said as you nodded he then walked to his desk and grabbed his sketchbook as he placed it on your table. "Since you let me see your drawings it's only fair if I let you see mine." He smiled as you softly opened his sketchbook as if it where fragile. His drawings where beautiful and almost had a story behind them. Your eyes sparkled seeing someone with such an amazing talent. You did see some scary drawings as they where so detailed they seemed real. You didn't question them at all since you assumed he could just be a horror fan like you.

        You closed the sketchbook as he gingerly took it back. "Mr. Helen your drawings are amazing! Their way batter then mine!" you exclaimed as Mr. Helen smiled at your compliment. "Can you teach me how to draw like that?" you asked as he looked at the time. "How about I teach you a bit now and during lunch you can come here and I can teach you a bit every day." Mr. Helen suggested with a smile as you nodded happily. 

An Artistic Pair (Bloody painter X student female reader) Where stories live. Discover now