Chapter 4- The Abuse

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After walking for a while you stopped at the front of your house. You pulled out the keys and opened the door slowly. You walked as silent as you could hoping not to alert your father of your presence. You made your way to the living the room as you saw your father was asleep on the couch. You sighed softly in relief as you slowly made your way up to your room. You quickly unloaded your bookbag and began doing your homework.

You did all your homework as fast as you could knowing your father would wake up any moment. You only took 1 and a half hours to do all your homework. You sighed in relief as you finished writing the last bit you had left of your math homework. "And that's the last one... " You smiled at yourself as you put away all your homework.

You lay down on your bed looking at the drawings you had hung on your wall. You smiled at a few of the drawings but soon enough that smile faded into a frown. You heard the angry footsteps of your father's feet stomping up the stairs. You sat on your bed and braced yourself for what was about to happen. The door to your bedroom swung open revealing your furious father.

"And why did you come back so late young lady?! " your father asked in a sturn voice as he grabbed your arm. "I-I was just taking a class after school...," you stampeded as your father grabbed your arm tighter making you yelp. "Is that why you didn't answer your phone?" He asked in anger as you nodded. Just as usual your father took his pent up anger and frustration on you.

After a few hard hits from your father you where on the floor coughing hard. You covered your mouth feeling a gag reflex come up. Your father proceeded to insult you as he walked off and slammed your door closed. You curled up on the floor crying to yourself. You couldn't move or feel anything besides pain. You slowly got up and carried yourself to your bed as you lied down and hugged a stuffed killer whale plushie that you had named Oliver.

Oliver was the last gift your mother had given to you before she had passed away. You always held Oliver close to your heart due to the sentimental value he had. You hugged the stuffed killer whale and soon enough you relaxed to the point of slowly falling asleep.

"Tomorrow was Tuesday... Another day of more boring classes. Well not counting Mr. Helen's class... " you mutter to yourself before you fell asleep. You couldn't get our of your mind the fact that you now had two friends and an amazing art teacher. You remembered in your old school students would joke about good looking teachers. You never really listened to those conversations but you sure as hell knew that Mr. Helen seemed like a great teacher.

After dozing off for about two hours you woke up and quickly made yourself dinner. You snuck back to your room and ate your meal as you couldn't stop thinking about the art teacher. "What's going on with me... I can't date a teacher that's weird!" You shouted at yourself as you looked at your window. "Well I will be 18 in a few months... Guess it wouldn't be wrong then.... " you muttered to yourself as you shook your head.

You finished your meal and began to draw in your sketch book. You spent the time practicing what Mr. Helen had told you. Once the clock struck 10 pm you put your sketch book away and did your usual nightly routine. You lastly went to bed hugging Oliver in your arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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