Chapter Twenty Eight

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Gracie ~

I sat in the library, reading a text book that cost more than my car, completely lost in my own thoughts.

I would quiz myself periodically, lifting my head from the book so I could think, but when I lifted my gaze my eyes landed on Wes instead. He was on the other side of the library heading my way, giving me a panty dropping smile as our eyes locked.

He looked so yummy in his t-shirt and jeans that hugged his muscles in just the right places.

The girls at the table beside me had their eyes fixated on him, but I didn't care. His eyes never left mine.

"How's my little brainiac?" He said, coming  around behind me and placing a kiss on my neck.

"Better now." I said with a grin.

"Wanna take a break?"

"Sure I could use a ten minute break." I said, grateful for a reason to close the textbook in front of me that had been sucking the life out of me for the past three hours.

"Oh I'm gonna need a lot longer than ten minutes." He said playfully against my hair.

Wes' deep voice and suggestive words cause my breath to catch and my body to stiffen.

"Relax Gracie, I'm not talking about that...but we can do that later if you want." He dropped his voice with his words and I could feel his lips against my ear as he spoke.

My chest rose and fell and I swallowed hard, trying to conceal how much that appealed to me.

"Well if you're not talking about that, what are you talking about?" I asked as I shifted in my chair.

"Laser tag." He said proudly.

"Laser tag? How old are you?" I chuckled.

"Well it kind of started off as a joke between Chad and I until I told him I'd completely annihilate him in an actual game of laser tag. Next thing I know he's got a laser tag place in the gps."

"And how did I manage to earn an invite to this competition?"

I was so amused with Wes at the moment. He was dominating and intimidating in every aspect of his life, but he was giddy with excitement to go play laser tag. Just goes to show that all men are little boys deep down and never truly grow up.

"Maggie was at the house and wanted to tag along, suggested we make it a team event."

"And you're recruiting me?" I sassed with an arched brow.

"Of course I am."

My mind raced with all the things that I had to get done for school that evening.

"I don't know Wes, I've got a lot to do here and taking a break for two or three hours would put me behind..." my voice trailed off when Wes put his had him it a stop motion.

"Say no more baby, you do what you've gotta do. No pressure."  He said as he planted a quick peck on my cheek before standing to leave.

"But Uh, you should know...there's a running bet going that you'll say no and won't come. Just sayin'"

I narrowed my eyes at him and folded my arms across my chest.

"Who said I'd say no?" I demanded.

"Mandy." Wes confirmed with a smirk.

She always says I study too much and I'm no fun...I'm tons of fun.

I slapped my book shut and gave Wes a mischievous grin.

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