Chapter 1

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"Come on Barkkit!" Yelled a small blond kitten running out the nursery. A grey kitten the same size of his sister followed her out. A brown kitten picked up some mud and threw it at her sister's face, dirtying her golden pelt. The kit shrieked in anger and surprise. "Plushkit!" The she-cat yelled at her sister as the brown kit laughed. "You'll pay for that!" She said as she leaped and bowled the kitten over, splashing more mud everywhere, even getting their brother dirty.

As Plushkit rolled around in the mud with Berrykit, they rolled into a tom with no fur. The ball of fur made from kits broke apart on impact and they looked up at the cat they rolled into. The hairless cat looked behind him at the kits and smiled.

"Hi there! You two must be Heavytail and Pidgenfeather's kits." He guessed. The brown kit jumped up, tail high. "Yup! I'm Plushkit! This mud soaked kitten is my sister, Berrykit." She exclaimed, pride going through her as the tom knew her parents. "Don't you have a brother?" He then asked, head turning to the side. Berrykit spoke up. "Yeah, Barkkit. He's over there cleaning mud off his fur." She answered, tail pointing to the brown striped grey kitten cleaning his fur, who stopped, scrunched his face and spat out some mud.

The tom chuckled, watching the kit's reaction. "Who are you?" Berrykit then asked. The tom turned his attention his attention back to the kits with a smile on his face. "I'm Spotstar. I'm leader here." He said. "Leader?" Plushkit asked." "Oh! You control things around here! Right?" Berrykit asked. "Right." The hairless cat confirmed. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your fur?" Plushkit asked, raising her paw and pressing it to his skin, feeling no fur. Spotstar chuckled.

"Plushkit!" Yelled a young tom, walking up to them. Both kits jumped and looked over to see Deerpaw, a ginger tom with darker spots walked up. "Hi Deerpaw!" Plushkit greeted one of her best friends. The tom narrowed his eyes at her, causing the kit to lower to the ground. " You don't go asking other cats why they have no fur." He said sternly. "You're right, I'm sorry." Plushkit mewed, looking down.

Spotstar snickered and layed his tail on her shoulder. She looked up at her leader. "It's alright, Plushkit, it doesn't me as much as others think it does. I was born without fur. Though I get cold faster than cats with fur, I cool off alot faster as well." He then turned away from the kits and looked at the apprentice. "Thank you for defending me, Deerpaw. Is there anything you wish to tell me?" The hairless cat asked.

"Wolffur wants to know if you still want to patrol by the barn with the path nealy flooded." Deerpaw asked. Spotstar stood. "Yes, though I want you to stay. I believe the elders are in need for tick picking." He smirked at the younger cat. The ginger tom scrunched up his nose and turned towards Lightfoot's den. Spotstar looked back at Berrykit and Plushkit and smiled bigger. "Have a good day." He said before trotting off.

Both kits laughed. Berrykit's stomach growled. "I'm gonna head back to the nursery and get something to eat. I'm hungry." She told her sister. "Ok if Briarkit is awake, tell her to come find me." Plushkit said. "Okay." The blind kit said, walking away.

Plushkit took a few pawsteps before letting out a new of surprise as she was bowled over by a strong force. She and whoever tackled her rolled and slid in the mud till she was pinned on her back. She opened her dark blue eyes to be met by amber orbs. "Hi there, Plushkit!" A she-cat's voice said happily. "Ravenkit!" Plushkit mewed. "You're heavy and crushing my shoulders!" She cried. The black kit quickly jumped off, shuffling her paws. "Are you alright? I'm sorry." She apologized with guilt in her voice. The smaller kit got on her paws and shook the mud from her pelt.

"Did Deerpaw teach you that?" She asked, scratching her ear. "Well, I will be an apprentice real soon, so he thought he'd show a couple hunting tricks." The bigger she-cat explained, taking her eyes off her brown friend. Big mistake. Noticing her muscles relaxed, Plushkit this as an opportunity and tackled the older kit.

They both played till Ravenkit's brother, Crowkit, called her over so they can sleep. "Already?" Ravenkit asked. "Time went by so fast." She said, looking around to see the dusking sky. Her ears lowering. "This is your last night in the nursery." Plushkit pointed out sadly. "Don't worry Plushkit, just two more moons and we can share a den again. And this time with Deerpaw." She reassured her, licking the top of her friends head. "If he doesn't become a warrior before then." Plushkit mewed.

"Even so, you'll have me to the share the den with again. Then we all become warriors and me, you and Deerpaw will will share a den." The smaller kit smiled. "You better get some sleep so you don't fall asleep during your apprentice ceremony. Don't want to be called Snoozepaw, from tomorrow on do you?" Deerpaw spoke from outside the Apprentice's Den. Both kits look over at Deerpaw to find him laying down and licking his jaws from leftover mouse. "Ha! You wish mouse brain!" Ravenkit purred. "Well, see you two in the morning, sweet dreams." Deerpaw said, standing up and stretched. "Good night Deerpaw!" Both kits called hafter him as he entered his den, flicking his tail in acknowledgment.

The walked back to the nursery. "Hello Ravenkit and Plushkit, enjoy your day?" Berryheart, a black and red queen asked softly. "We did!" Plushkit said. "Shhh! Kits are trying to sleep." Mistyeyes said, pointing her tail to one of her kits, Eaglekit, curled around Barkkit.

Pidgenfeather followed the black queen's tail and narrowed her eyes at the sight of the two toms. "Well, since it's their last night in the nursery, I see no problem with your kits curling around mine." Pidgenfeather said with a hint of distaste. Mistyeyes narrowed her light blue eyes at the grey and black queen. "Yes, such a shame that this is their last night with their den mates for a while." The black gueen growled. "Two moons is not forever!" The grey and black queen hissed.

"There are cats trying to sleep!" Yowled Badgerpaw, Lightfoot's apprentice. Mistyeyes and Pidgenfeather exchanged one last angered look at each other for the night before curling up to sleep. Plushkit curled up by her mother, next to Berrykit. The two shared a uneasy look before closing their eyes to run around in dream land.

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