Needy adeptus

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(A/N- just a notice before you start reading, this chapter is as it says- contains a possesive/needy theme that some might find discomforting/annoying.)


There's so many extra quests to take care of today!! I wonder which I should do first... I was lost in thought as I strolled along the bridge out of Mondstadt, not even noticing Timmie's indignant cry as his pigeons took off.

A small quest in Dragonspine led me up and down the mountain searching for a lost journal, while another made me venture all around the mountains of Liyue. I was exhausted as I headed for one the last commission... picking out a gift for Jilliana from Rudolf...

"Last one." I reminded myself, forcing a smile. This wouldn't be bad, I thought, raising my hand to push the Cathedral doors open- and suddenly felt a familiar prescience appear from thin air behind me. I spun around just as Xiao stepped forward and grabbed my arms.

"Y/n. Do you have a moment? Or two?" he spoke without delay, expression blank.

"U-uh, if it's quick? I have a commission-" I said, startled by his abrupt appearance... and something about the way he looked at me felt odd.

"Good." he closed his eyes and my vision went black- I gasped when I opened my eyes to see we'd reappeared at the remote, floating pavilion high above Liyue's highest mountain.

"Xiao, what-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before he wrapped his arms around me, so tightly I winced. "Ah, Xiao-!" I yelped.

"Oh... sorry." he loosened his grip ever so slightly but didn't move an inch. Something's... definitely wrong... he'd always step back, stammering apologies if he hurt me even the slightest, like just then.

"Are... you alright...?" I asked, hesitantly putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Now that you're here..." he whispered by my ear, pulling me closer. I stiffened a little but patted his back.

"Long day?" I asked carefully. 'Long day' was a sort of code we used to ask each other when we'd been having a rough day... But Xiao didn't answer at all, only humming in a flat tone before hiding his face against my neck. "Hey, Xiao..." I leaned back but he made a low noise in the back of his throat, tightening his grip. "Xiao. Talk to me." I said, getting more concerned by the second.

"Very. Rough. Day." he growled, lips brushing my neck.  

"I'm sorry about that... can you lean back a second?" I asked, lightly pushing at his arms. He groaned and leaned back, eyes narrowed as he pouted. A thin cut ran along his cheek, bright red. " think you could've said that before you whisked me all the way here without a warning?" I reached up to brush my finger along the cut and he winced, avoiding my eyes.

"Mmm." he tilted his head, finally meeting my gaze. His bright eyes looked more... intense than usual. His whole manner was stiff and off. He must be really bothered by whatever happened. Poor Xiao...

"It's okay... just let me know, alright? Is there anything I can do to help? I can spare a little time... not a lot, though... I have work..."

"No... just stay." he said, leaning forward and hiding his face in my shoulder.

I sighed and hugged him back. Looks like I'm trapped. Well... there could be worse places to be. I smiled a little, until Xiao gripped me tightly and lifted me up. I gasped as he took several steps and sat down on one of the benches- shifting me around so I was right in his lap.

"Uh... Xiao." I didn't know what to say. Xiao lifted his head to gaze at me, and to my shock, a smug smile crept onto his face. 

"You're cute when you're embarrassed..." he said. I blinked, trying to process what he'd said... when he tilted his head up to kiss my neck. My hands tightened on his shoulders and I felt his lips curve into a smile against my skin. "You're going to stay for a while... right?"

"I- I just said- I have another commission. It won't take long..." I tried to convince myself.

Xiao cut me off with a growl and kissed my neck again. "You don't need to do that, though. You can take the rest of the day off."

"I'm happy to spend some time with you, but I do have to leave later-"

"Don't." he said,  voice hushed. I froze  when he cupped my chin in his hand, tilting my head to face him. His golden-amber eyes stared pleadingly at me... but also held traces of another emotion I rarely never saw on him- possessiveness. "Stay." He kissed me on the lips and I gave in, leaning into him. He held on longer than usual and when he leaned back, he pulled me even closer.

"I should-"

"No." he said, firmly. 

"Come on, Xiao..." This is so out of character for him! How do I deal with this? I feel bad, but don't want to be... kept. Like this. "Just a little longer, okay...? I'll do my work and come right back, promise."

"I- I need you to stay." Xiao said, his voice taunt. He squeezed me and I stiffened. 

"Okay, okay! Just- ease up, please." I said, patting his arm. He grumbled under hie breath but adjusted his grip, giving me enough breathing room. "Are you sure you don't want to talk to me? Might help if you try to get it off your chest..."

"I missed you." he blurted, hiding his face against my chest. "I just- I missed you. So much..." he muttered, trailing off quietly.

My heart throbbed as I placed a hand on Xiao's head, winding loose strands of his hair around my fingers. "I'm sorry, love... I know we've both been really busy..."

"I missed you." Xiao repeated. His voice was so sad and lonely that I winced. I didn't trust myself to speak so I just stroked the back of his head, untangling his hair. He took my hand and pressed a kiss to my knuckles, holding it close to his chest.

I couldn't bring myself to move for ages, until the sun began to set, and I finally convinced Xiao to move back to Wanghu inn, where I rented a room for the night.

Xiao collapsed onto the bed, dragging me with him. I went limp, falling right into his arms with a laugh. I saw him smile before he pulled me close against his chest, arms circling warmly around me. He sighed, breath ruffling my hair.


"Mhmmm?" Xiao hummed, nuzzling the top of my head.

"'re you feeling?"

"...better..." he said softly. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry about it, okay? Just try to be a bit more... mindful? I am missing a commission, you know." 

"Ah, I didn't mean to-"

I cut him off with a laugh. "I'm just kidding. I would much rather be here."

"Me too." Xiao replied without hesitation, curling up against me.

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