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(A/N- References to Xiao's lore- if you don't know it & don't want spoilers, shoo!)

Wandering a trail through a bamboo forest in Liyue, I tugged off a long strip of bandages around my arm. It fell away, revealing a bright white, jagged scratch edged with pink. Fighting Azhdaha Never gets easier... too bad I still need so many more materials. But forget that for now! I happened to be in a great mood. Xiao asked to meet somewhere different today- somewhere in Inazuma. I picked Sangonomiya Shrine. With its constantly calm, peaceful atmosphere, I thought Xiao would love it. I'd heard that the area also warded away evil spirits because of its pure energy.

So I hurried on my way there, arriving just before sunset. Finding a large shell that overlooked the camp and had a beautiful view, I sat and cleared my throat. "Xiao? I'm here." 

"Y/n." I jumped as he appeared in a flash beside me. "Where..." He glanced around and his eyes widened. The look of shock on his face almost made me burst out laughing. It was refreshing to see such raw surprise on Xiao. "...where is this?"

"Sangonomiya Shrine. I thought you would like it."

"I... it's perfect." he smiled as he sat beside me- but it faded when he noticed my new scar. I reached up to cover it but he caught my hand, pulling it down. "...what happened?"

"Just Azhdaha. Don't worry, it's all healed."

"Mhm." Xiao said, but his expression was taunt, worried. "I would have helped. You've gotten hurt far too many times..." His gaze swept over me, over various wounds from the past- the obvious, and the hidden. "Call me next time."

"Alright... I will." I gave a little smile. "But you've gotta admit, it looks pretty cool, right?" I raised my arm, but Xiao gave me a skeptical look. "Ah, never mind. Anyway- I brought you here to relax, not worry!"

"You know I'm always worrying about you." he mumbled under his breath, something I probably wasn't supposed to hear.

"And I worry about you. Especially because I never see your scars." I shrugged, closing my eyes. "But that's your-" Suddenly, Xiao's hand grabbed mine. I flinched, not because it was sudden- but because it was his bare hand. Warm. I met his gaze- intense and stubborn. I slowly looked down... to see his palm, covered in jagged, pale red scars.  Brushing my free hand over it, I felt each scar, wondering where they came from. They were too many to count, all layered... but with all the same narrow shape.

"T-there." he huffed, turning his head to stare out at the valley. 

"Well, thanks for opening up... at least a little." I raised his hand and kissed his knuckles, letting my lips brush over the rough scars. It's a start. He tensed, fingers tightening around mine. "But you know, if you want to talk, I'd never judge you." I scooted right up next to him,  and slumped onto him.  His body automatically tilted and his arm moved to accommodate me, making sure I fit perfectly against his side.

"I want to tell you where they're from. But I don't want to worry you- that's the opposite reason why we're here, right?" he tilted his head, bumping it against mine. He's trying to shut himself down because he's  scared of whatever he wants to get off his chest. Oh, Xiao.

"I'm relaxed. I don't mind just sitting and talking." I kissed the back of his hand again.

"You're familiar with the story of my past?" He asked. I nodded against his shoulder, watching small bubbles rise and pop in the air around us. "These-" he squeezed my hand- "Were from when... from the bonds they used." Xiao spoke quickly, and I felt his whole body tensing beside me. "S-so, I couldn't move my hands. Unless it was to obey their will." he had started whispering. I found myself holding my breath, clinging to his every word. My heart felt like it was being squeezed by invisible claws. "I tried to in the beginning and- No, I can't do this." Xiao shoved himself away from me, tearing his arm free from my loose grasp, and yanked his glove back on.

"Hey..." I gently set a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright. You're not gonna get any more of these. Not when I'm around." I took his hands tightly between mine, giving them a comforting squeeze, forcing him to make eye contact. He was nervous, a bit unsettled... but it was fading. "Okay? How about you try calling my name sometime, and see what happens?"

"You're not an adeptus. Wouldn't you just... sneeze?" he tilted his head with a frown.

A laugh escaped me before I could stop it, but I shook my head. "What I meant to say was- I'm here for you too, whenever you need. So come to me sometimes! Don't just wait for me to ask for help, come when you need help too. Got it?" Xiao stared at me with wide eyes for a few moments. I saw the gears turning in his head and knew- asking for help was definitely something we needed to work on.. "I said... got it?" I darted forward to peck his cheek.

"H-hey- yes, I know. I'll... try my best."  he said, red-faced.

"That's the most I can ask." I smiled. "Now c'mon, let's go exploring a bit!" I stood and Xiao followed in an instant, failing to wipe the smile off his face. As I guided Xiao away from the valley, he took my hand. I glanced over at him and was shocked- the light in his eyes was brighter than the sun.

"Thank you. I'm bad at talking, but- it does help." he muttered the last part, as if he didn't fully want to admit it. But I knew he meant it.

"I'm glad. And you better remember that I'm always gonna be here. Always, Xiao.'

"As will I for you, y/n."


(A/N- tfw you wrote this days ago but forgot to post it- 0_0)

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