{Tamura x Reader Preview}

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Third Pov

Usually on weekends, people tend to spend a bit more time in their homes rather than outside. Especially if they're going to a drain-sucking leech known as school. But (Y/n) was feeling quite bored today so that's why she decided to give her friend Tamura a call. Out of all the boys he's the one that she's spent the least amount of time with, and therefore wanted to make up for it.


(Y/n):Hey Tamura-kun! Sorry for the sudden call. I wanted to know if you'd be free to hang out this evening?

Tamura:HuH? The fuck makes you think I'm in the mood for that? Dummy

(Y/n):*frown* O-Okay jeez, shouldn't have bothered asking...

She was about to hang up until he spoken again.

Tamura:Wait? Don't tell me your about to hang up. Seriously?! And after I just said yes to you!

(Y/n):That was your way of saying yes?! That sounded more a like a no to me

Tamura:It did? Tsk! Damn, I did it again didn't i?

(Y/n):Did what again?

Tamura:I-it's not important right now! Sure I'll hang out with you, you probably need some company anyways with your lonely ass

(Y/n):*eyebrow twitch* Okay then. Meet me at (s/n) street, I'll see you there

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