Reconciling Feelings

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Reader Pov

(Y/n):I will catch you Ayato!

I believe it was quite the while of me chasing ayato down the hallways of the school. I know I should just give up at this point but I couldn't help myself I was really mad at him. As he turned a corner I followed him only to be stopped dead in my tracks when I came face to face with yaguchi.

(Y/n):Y-yacchan!? Oh I'm so sorry I almost ran into you

Yaguchi:~smile~ Hey it's no problem, but may I ask why were you running

(Y/n):~chuckles~ lets just say that yuri annoyed me very much

Yaguchi:Ha ha, yeah yuri tends to do that

(Y/n):Anyway where were you heading to

Yaguchi:Nothing really I was just going to my room to relax, say! Would you like to come with me to you k-know hang out

(Y/n):Hmm, I mean I don't seem to have any plans besides the festival today sooo ~smile~ yes I'll hang out

Yaguchi:~smile~ Alright! Come on my rooms just this way

He quickly takes my hand and we both headed towards the end at he pointed. Getting to his room the first thing I notice was that It was a freaking mess!? I really couldn't stand messes at all so when he sat and told me to sit anywhere, I pulled him up, pushed him out the room closing the door in the process, and got all the cleaning equipment I could find.

Though the room was bad I was a pretty fast cleaner so it didn't take too long to get everything together. When I put all the cleaning supplies away I opened the door.

Yaguchi:Uh makoto why did you push me ou-whoa! M-my room it looks so spotless now, you did such an amazing job! Thank you so much

(Y/n):~smirk~ heh it's no big deal, I honestly love to clean up

Yaguchi:~smile~ hehe yeah and that's one of the things I liked about you.....(y/n)

(Y/n):Seriously it's nothing speci-Wait? Huh!? H-how d-do you know my name

Yaguchi:~chuckles~ Really you don't know who I am  I have to say that I am a little hurt that you forgotten about me, we were childhood friends after all ~frown~ until that summer when you and your family had to move away that is

(Y/n):.....childhood friends...y-yach-kun is it actually you?

Yaguchi:In the flesh

I couldn't believe it. It really was him, yach-kun my first best friend. I wasn't able to contain myself at that moment tears slowly fell from my eyes as I jumped on top of him and hugged him tightly.

Yaguchi:Heh Whoa there (y/n)

(Y/n):I'm sorry I'm sorry, it's j-just I'm s-so happy to see you again it's been too long

Yaguchi:Yeah I agree that it has

(Y/n):I have to say sorry once again for not staying in touch I had been very busy since I left Tokyo

Yaguchi:It's alright, I mean you didn't have any control over leaving

(Y/n):Y-you a-aren't upset with me?


He looked at me a bit seriously before he lightly put both of his hands on my shoulders.

Yaguchi:Out of all the people you are the last person I could ever be mad at

(Y/n):A-and why is that?

Yaguchi:Because you're my friend and.........your the first person to ever see the real me and be okay with that


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