Cafe Rubicano

17 1 0

The barista, a pretty young, heavily tattooed woman, reaches over to place the cup on my table. I see the roses inked onto her wrist, protruding out of her collar. I figure it was one long sleeve tattoo. All I can think of is how painful an ordeal it would be having a needle stab every micrometre of soft tissue.

My search for a different centre of operations has come to an end. With less chance of bumping into familiar faces, especially Alicia, and tucked away in a quasi-commercial residential area, the only unfortunate downside is the high-level traffic that comes through here. I have to fight for a seat, but the selection of food is tummy rumbling. I settled on a cheeseburger and my usual flat white, eager to find out whether it was good or shit.

I tasted the coffee.

The temperature of the coffee was too cool. The flavour and strength were pretty good but I would have to drink it fast to prevent it going completely frappe. I dismantle the sloppy double burger and stuff it with potato chips. I press the bun back down when another human beings steps into my space.

Phlox sits opposite me.

"Hi," she says.

I'm caught off guard, unable to hide my irritation.

"My name is Melissa." She seems to get more nervous by the second. "You can call me Mel. Or Phlox for that matter."

I lean back, blinking, hoping I'm seeing an apparition.

Phlox persists, "I know this may seem weird... Creepy even, but... I'm not stalking you. I would, however... like your help."

I look at my burger and all I can taste is despair.

"Maybe," continues Phlox, "we can help each other."

Now I have to speak, "How?"

"I'm a writer. I'm doing research for a book. It's a romance slash thriller slash comedy."

"Sound fucking boring."

She giggles, she thinks I'm joking. "Well, it has some interesting plot twists..."

"What's it called?"

"I haven't settled on a title yet."

"Would you like me to come up with a title for ya?"

Phlox thinks about it, "Um, no. I know where you're going with this, but can you please hear me out?"

I place my palms on my face, cooling it down. I just want to eat in peace.

Phlox is relentless, "I'm researching people's train stories. Libby, the girl in the red stilettos has a fascinating story. I've been following her for months."

Fuck it, I pick up the burger and bite into it.

"She broke up with her boyfriend over a year ago," reveals Phlox, "and since then, he's disappeared off the face of the Earth. One day, Libby gets this secret admirer, and for months this guy wouldn't let up on Neechat. I've been following this for weeks until I think I've worked it out."

I slurp down the cold coffee, planning to get the hell away as soon as I'm done with the burger.

Phlox grows more excited, "I believe it was her ex-boyfriend." She waits for me to react.

I look at Phlox. "I have a story for ya."

"What?" she asks, a little unsure where I was going with it.

"I lost my child in..." I cough, " accident."

Her shoulders slump.

I continue, "Some internet asshole decided to make fun of this. I've been hunting down who is behind it ever since. That's why I'm roaming the trains. Looking for this asshole."

"I'm sorry for your loss," she offers.

"Yep, so am I."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Sure," I tell her. "You can try fuck off." 

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