Chat's Visit - Chapter 10

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video contains spoilers of season 4 - if ya wanna watch season 4, I think most of the episodes are out in English and on YouTube! :)

After bidding her friends goodnight, Marinette crashed on her bed. Wow, what a crazy night.

Events of the night flooded through her mind, pushing any other thought aside. The thought of Adrien and her dancing caused little butterflies to fly in her stomach. The thought of Adrien and her winning Prom king and queen made her smile. 

Her thoughts were bombarded with a sudden tap on her window. Her body thrusted up until she realized who it was. Oh yeah that's right, I told him to come.

She lifted herself up and opened the trap door, allowing a certain kitty to come inside.

Now that Adrien was Chat Noir, he could act like he wanted to at prom.

"Marinette, you look....", Chat Noir slowly shook his head, examining her beauty from top to bottom.

"Clawless", Marinette winked. Chat Noir snorted at her pun. (If you don't get it, it's a cat pun. Like 'flawless' but 'clawless' hehe okay thats all)

"Well, yes. But, I was going to say that you look like a princess", Chat Noir smirked.

"Purrfect, exactly what I was going for", Marinette tapped the bell on his collarbone causing it to ding.

"Hey, aren't I the one that should be making the puns?" Chat Noir marveled.

"You're not the only one with a sense of humor", Marinette smirked, folding her arms. 

"And if I was, that would be a boring life to live. I enjoy your puns", Chat Noir winked. "So, how was prom?"

"It was really fun! I actually won prom queen, somehow", Marinette shrugged.

"Somehow? Marinette, it didn't just happen. You won prom queen because you're amazing. You're smart, talented, funny, great at puns", Chat Noir raised his eyebrows and nudged her with his shoulder. "And, well, beautiful".

Marinette sat there in shock, eyes widening and her jaw slightly dropped. She glanced over to Chat and met with his electric green eyes. She smiled softly before pulling him into a hug. "Thanks kitty", she closed her eyes, hugging him tighter.

Chat Noir's face felt suddenly warm as Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped both arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

They sat there for a minute, just enjoying one another's company in embrace. Both were secretly smiling into each other's shoulders. Although, Marinette wasn't sure why she enjoyed this so much. Adrien, on the other hand, had an idea why...

Marinette had to be the one to let go. When she did, they just stared at one another for a moment, faces inches away from one another. She wanted to break the tension.

"Um don't you want to know who won prom king?" Marinette thought of something quickly, even though it wasn't her best shot.

Chat Noir pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes in confusion, since he already knew who won. "Sure, who's the lucky guy that got to dance with you?"

"Adrien Agreste", Marinette sighed lovingly thinking about him, the thoughts of their moments earlier this evening rushed back in her mind.

"The famous model?" Chat Noir faked, obviously knowing the answer to that.

"He's more than just a model. He's incredible", Marinette rested her chin on her hand propped up by her elbow.

Chat Noir grew suspicious, but decided to play dumb. (Even though he doesn't need to)."Did you go to the prom with him?"

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