The Ending - Chapter 25

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3 years later, making it a total of 10 years before we jumped the timeline....

Marinette and Adrien have been married for a few months now and are enjoying their time as official husband and wife. Alya and Nino are expecting their first child!

Marinette and Adrien HAVE discussed the whole 'kids' thing, but they want to wait about another year and just enjoy the peace and quiet while they still can. Adrien loved the names Marinette had come up, and hopefully they got to use all 3 of them.

For now, they're enjoying their lives together and their jobs. Not only that, but every night, if they can, they go on patrols and view the city from above. 

Alya and Nino got them a hamster for their wedding gift, although, the name is still unknown :)

Luka performs at concerts, along with his dad, Jagged Stone. He also has a girlfriend, Chloe Bourgious, maybe you know her?

Anyways, Luka has turned her world upside down. Chloe has turned into a more genuine and kind person. She even gave Marinette her favorite shoes for her wedding gift! As for Adrien's gift, she gave him a toy that Chloe and Adrien used to play with so he could pass it on to one of his kids.

Let's jump the present now.

Ladybug and Chat Noir were on their daily patrol as they toured the city for the 100,000th time. But, it never seemed to get old to them. In fact, it was almost like every time they saw the city from above, it was like it was the first time they had seen it.

When they were finished jumping from roof to roof and were tired out, they sat together on the very top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Can you believe everything that has happened to us in these last, I don't know, 14 years?" Chat Noir questioned, unsure about the amount of years they've known each other.

"It seems like just yesterday you were telling me 'nice of you to drop in' as I accidentally tied us up in my yoyo", Ladybug laughed at the memory.

"It seems like just yesterday I handed you that umbrella outside of the school as it was raining outside", Chat Noir smiled sweetly as he viewed the city below him.

Ladybug turned her head to glance at him. "We've been through quite a lot."

"You and me against the world, m'lady", Chat Noir smiled, holding his fist up.

Ladybug returned the smile and lifted her fist up. "As it always has been, and always will be." They pounded it before Ladybug rested her head on his shoulder as they watched the sun go down on top of the Eiffel Tower.

The End.

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