Warning: Suggestive, Neko-Kira!, heat...forced heat?, fucking wtf?!?!, this, is this a self insert? Yeah idfk
(Why are you here...at this point why am I here lol)
As you attempt to take your leave after helping the slightly injured Cat hybrid you found hiding behind your home you would be stopped. "Please don't leave" he wasn't staring or looking directly at you but you could tell he was nervous and even flustered."Is something wrong Kira?" You would've hoped that your mediocre attempt in patching his injuries would help ease any discomfort. Perhaps a bandage is too tight?
"Well not exactly..." he turned towards you moving slowly on his knees from his place on the mattress. He was even more flustered now than he was before. "I just couldn't ignore it much more..I-I well when you were helping me and well touching me it made me feel oddly pleased" he looked away briefly before continuing. "I would like if you could touch me a bit more maybe even help me through my..well you know". To be quite honest you've never really dealt with a hybrid until today. So to say you had a completely I clue as to what was going on would be an understatement. Perhaps his domestic animal typing is what could be causing this maybe he just needs some pats?
"You want me to pet you?" you asked a bit perplexed.
"I want to mate with you, you triggered my heat so as of now you're responsible for dealing with it...with those wonderful hands of yours," he gasped a soft moan as his face became more flushed as beads of sweat appeared on his begging form."P-please it'd be cruel not too" he wouldn't like for you to point out his now visible grinding against a pillow to bring some sort of relief towards the now lively member under his undergarments. Perhaps this was a mistake in helping this one or maybe not.