Warnings: ??
(Probably the only decent one in a sense that doesn't involve me questioning my sanity)
[ Playing Jenga ]
I like to think they would all play a game of Jenga.
It would start off as a casual game before each passing turn and the risks of making the stack fall create a competitive air among them.Jotaro:
At the beginning of the simple game he wasn't too interested or seemed to be taking it seriously. As the game would progress he would let out simple "hmphs" and even "yare yare daze" when Joseph or Polnareff would begin gasping in suspense. As the tower begins to wobble and tilt though you can now say the game is serious amongst the group and with none of them wanting to be the reason for it falling stands have begun to be used.
"Star platinum!" After being summoned by Jotaro Star uses Star finger to speedily push the Jenga tile quick enough to allow the tiles above to fall without any interruption. This caused the once dormant tile piece to fly across the room flying pass between Avdol and Joseph.
"OH, MY GAWD!!!"
"Holy shit Jotaro!"
"Impressive move might I add"
"I guess that means I'm next then"Kakyoin:
Upon standing up to take his turn he looked around for the next best tile to pull. Due to Jotaro's previous move, it made his turn easier, to say the least. But decided to do not one tile but two!
"Hierophant green!" using hierophants tendrils he used to quickly push two pieces in the middle, both the left and middle.
"Kayoin are you insane you'll make it fall!" Shouted Polnareff.
"Wait! look it, it's-" Joseph spoke.
Everyone then shouted in shock "It's stopped!!??"
"Amazing it has become almost completely still!" Avdol stated in surprise.
"You just had to show off before my turn didn't you"
"It's a pro gamer move, make it harder for the opponent" he spoke confidently before going back to his seat.Polnareff:
"Harder for the opponent...ha.. I'll show you how easy this actually is" Polnareff declared already confident in what the final result would be. "You're probably thinking I will grab the piece closer to the top" Everyone was watching both quizzically and in wonder as to what Polnareff would do. Before they could even guess he called out his stand Silver Chariot. "Be careful not to blink or you'll miss what I'm about to do!" As his stand prepared to move the tile left behind after Kakyoin moved the two pieces it swung its hard enough only to knock it out. Following after was a victorious laugh "Take that Kakyoin" As he walked back to his seat grabbing his drink.
"Well, you only did one so.." Kakyoin snidely remarked
"What does the amount have to do with anything!" cried Polnareff.
"good grief we just continue" sighed Jotaro.
"In that case, it's my turn"Avdol:
As Avdol stood up he manifested Magicians Red. "Time to show you three the true power of a User and his stand. He closed in on the tower that was at this point to be considered a miracle to still be standing. Some tiles from the previous turns had slight scorch marks. But sadly a few more were about to be added to the group. He decided to go with the pair that paralleled each other vertically. He had his stand hit the one below with a whip-like flame. Miraculously the tower dropped and teetered before finally balancing itself out allowing him to place his piece.
"You just wanted to show off!" Shouted Polnareff.
"Yes, that was my intention as I said before," Avdol said with a smile.
"Well guess me and Hierophant Green will have to bump up our play strats." stated Kakyion.
"Speak English damn it" chimed Jotaro.
"All right ladies unknot your panties it's my turn." joked Joseph.Joseph:
"All four of you never went above two and that's pathetic." he huffed. " Let me show you, boys, how it's done." he began to manifest Hermit Purple's vines taking a steady breath is causing Hamon to spread around his body. He dipped his hand into the cup of melted ice splashing the tiles with water.
"Your next line is going to be 'What are you doing Mr.Joestar!?' " following after they all spoke in unison except for Jotaro who only sighs out a "Yare Yare-"
"What are you doing Mr.Joestar!?" with a sudden gasp as to what the hell just happened.
Joseph only laughed before hitting the Jenga tower with his vines, as the tower seemed to be close to falling the Hamon begun to course through the water. The Hamon was keeping it together before another vine would hit three tiles out allowing the tower to fall back in place.
"He laughed in triumph and took back his seat as the other spoke in disbelief.This would continue the remainder of the night until one by one they were either outdid or outdid themselves to where the tower fell