ೃ•୭ 001. Fresh Meat

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  The morning started off as normal as ever for the Moon girl

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  The morning started off as normal as ever for the Moon girl. Standing by her locker and grabbing her things for her first class, she looked over at the main entrance to Mission Creek High to see her best friend, Leo Dooley walking in with three people following behind him. They looked around the area with such amazement, admiring the lockers and waving at every student that came across their view.

  Must be Leo's step siblings? Katarina thought to herself, closing her locker door and making her way over to her friend who was speaking to the brunette haired girl that followed with him.

  "Morning Leo." She greeted once she was near. The smaller boy instantly turned with a big smile once hearing her voice, "Hey Kat!"

  "Who are they?" She motioned over to the three mystery people that now stood behind him and stared at the girl in awe. "Oh these are my new.." he trailed off wondering what could be the right word to call the three bionic until he exclaimed, "step siblings!" He then turned to them and introduced them to the girl.

  Not minding the strange trail off, the korean girl nodded her head and waved at the three. "Nice to meet you guys!"

The lone sister known as Bree, stepped closer to Katarina with a wide smile. "Hi, I like ponies and girl things! We should totally be besties!"

  Before she could even respond Leo held his hand up to Bree, "Ahem. Sorry but that spot is already taken by the one and only, Me." He cockily grinned and pointed at himself.

"Yeah and there's only so much you I can handle. I need at least one girl best friend to keep me sane." Ignoring the hurtful look Leo shot her, Katarina smiled happily at the brunette. "I would love to be friends with you. You guys too." She looked over at Adam and Chase while Bree let out a happy squeal and hugged the girl.

The hug was then broke as Katarina jumped in surprise when Chase started to scream in pain, covering his ears and dropping to the ground rolling around until the bell finally stopped. He scooted to Adam's legs, brought his knees to his chest and lowered his head down. She looked at him in concern as Leo asked his step sister, "What's up with crazy?"

"He has ultra-sensitive bion-" Realizing Bree was going to say bionic, Leo quickly nudged the girl and motioned to the Moon girl who tore her eyes away from Chase to look at Bree. "I mean ultra sensitive hearing!" She quickly corrected herself, nodding along with Leo.

"What was that?!" Chase questioned the step brother. This made Katarina tilt her head slightly in confusion. Does he really not know that it was the bell?

"It's called a bell." Leo answered, "It rings every 40 minutes, eight times a day. So... have fun with that." With that he walked away with Adam and Bree following behind, leaving the two alone.

𝑤𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟,  𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕Where stories live. Discover now