Wake Up

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Bakugou woke up about an hour later. He was pretty confused to say the least. He had no idea what was going on around him and immediately pushed Todoroki off of him. He didn't seem to be putting anything together. He was just confused and tired and angry. They had to restrain him. Todoroki latched back onto him, not without a lot of fighting from Bakugou of course. Todoroki cooled him back down. He passed back out. About 45 minutes later, he woke up again. Bakugou pushed Todoroki out of the bed frantically. He ran towards the bathroom, but he tripped. He threw up all over the floor. He started to cry, again. All of a sudden, he jumped back up and sprinted to the bathroom. He made it, this time. Luckily, Todoroki was able to freeze the puke and dispose of it immediately. He seemed like he had done this before. After a few minutes, Bakugou stopped throwing up. "Okay idiots, I'm done puking my guts up." Everyone crowded around the entrance to the bathroom. "Icyhot, I'm going to pass out if I stand up while I'm like..... this....." He put his head on the toilet seat. "What do you want me to do about it?" Todoroki asked. "I'm askin' you to cool me down, ya idiot. This is the one time I'm letting you touch me. And if any of you mutter a word of this to anyone else, I'll kill you. What happens in this room, stays in this room. Now make yourself useful, you icyhot bastard." "Oh I wish I was a bastard...." Todoroki muttered as he wrapped himself back around Bakugou. Bakugou fell back asleep after a few minutes. Todoroki carried him back to bed.

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