Aizawa's Problem Children

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Aizawa came in to check on everyone in the middle of the night. The first people he saw were Bakugou and Deku asleep on the couch. He kneeled down in front of Bakugou and felt his forehead. "No fever. You're doing much better." He sat on the couch for a moment. Deku stirred a bit. Bakugou snuggled into Deku. Midoryia smiled a bit and then went still, again. "These two. Can't make up their minds if they hate each other or need each other." Aizawa got up to check on everyone else. He went up to Mineta's room and knocked on the door. He heard snoring. He opened the door just to make sure. Mineta was sound asleep. He walked a little farther. Midoryia's room was next. He just skipped it because he already knew where Deku was. Light came out from under Aoyama's door. He opened the door to see Aoyama's night light had fallen off of his bedside table. He picked it up and put it back. Tokoyami's room was next. He went in to see Tokoyami asleep, but Dark Shadow still awake. "Hey, you need sleep too." Whispered Aizawa. "Fine." Dark Shadow retreated into Tokoyami's body. This is the end of the second floor. Aizawa sleepily went up the next flight of stairs. He went into Kouda's room. There were birds sitting on his open windowsill. Aizawa quietly shooed them out. He also noticed a cat on Kouda's legs. Aizawa took a moment to pet the cat. Kouda didn't bond with any of his classmates very much, so it was touching to see him bonding with an animal. He exited and walked into Kaminari's room. Kaminari was still up playing video games. He tried to quickly turn off the console when Aizawa walked in, but he was caught. "Hey Sensei!" "Kaminari...." "I know I know! But I was doing so good!" "Go to bed. I don't want to catch you up this late again unless something important is going on." "Fineeeee." Kaminari went to bed. Aizawa stayed there until Denki fell asleep. This didn't take long, he was exhausted. Once he was asleep, Aizawa moved onto the next room. Iida was sound asleep, as expected. One of his legs was sticking out. He fell off the bed as Aizawa tried to walk out. He picked up Iida and tucked him back in. He noticed severe bruising on the front of his legs. "Iida, you're pushing yourself too hard. You don't have to replace your brother, yet." Aizawa left to go to the next room. Ojiro's room was next. He found him with his tail on the bed and his body on a sleeping bag. "Whatever floats your boat, kid." He went to the other side of the hallway. He went into Hagakure's room. She was under her blanket. He saw some makeup next to her, along with a wig and some contacts. "I hope that's for fun and not because you feel bad. You have the kindest heart. Kids like you don't deserve insecurities like this." He went to the last room on this floor. He went into Jirou's room. She had one of her headphone jacks plugged into a speaker. She was broadcasting her heartbeat softly. It was slow and steady. "I wish I brought my own soothing wherever I went." He went up to the fourth floor. Shouji's room was first. He went into his room. Something smelled good. He went over to see a small pastry from Satou. "I'm glad you are making friends. I was worried you wouldn't." He went into the next dorm room. Kirishima was also up. "Of course you two are up." "What two?" Kirishima asked. "You and the other idiot are the only two I've had to force into bed so far." Aizawa looked at Kirishima. "You look tired anyways. Go to bed." Kirishima tried to lay down. He grabbed his side. "Hey problem child, are you okay?" "I'm fine, just a little late night training in my room. I guess I pushed too far this time." "Did something happen?" "I train by hitting myself with objects as hard as I can and seeing how much I can protect myself from it." Aizawa also noticed a little blood on Kirishima's forehead. "You're an idiot, Kirishima." "I know sir." Aizawa helped Kirishima treat the wound on his forehead and then got ice from downstairs for his side. "Now then, I have other kids to check on. Go to sleep." "Yes sir." Aizawa went into Ashido's room, next. He skipped Bakugou's. Mina was also up. She was dancing to some music and singing along. Definitely a far cry of Jirou, but she wasn't bad. "Are all of you idiots going to be awake?" Mina jumped. She turned off her music. "Go to bed, problem child." "Yes sir." She also went to bed. Uraraka was the last one of the fourth floor. She was sleep floating. He erased her quirk and caught her. She opened her eyes. "Sensei? I don't feel good...." "You were floating in your sleep. Of course you don't feel good. You may have been up there for hours." Aizawa got her some water from the bathroom. She drank it and went back to sleep. He went upstairs to Satou's room. He loved checking on Satou. Aizawa grabbed a cupcake on his way out. He went into Todoroki's room. Todoroki was just sitting on his bed, staring off into space. "Todoroki?" He came back into focus. "Sensei?" "It's really late, you should get some sleep." "Of course, Sensei." Aizawa noticed that Todoroki looked like he had been crying. "What's wrong, problem child?" "Nothing, Sensei. Just tired is all." He hid his face under his blankets. Aizawa uncovered him. "Hey, what's wrong?" Todoroki say back up. Tears started streaming from his eyes. He hugged Aizawa. "It's not fair, Sensei." "What's not?" "I finally got away from him. But everywhere I go, all anyone wants to talk about is Endeavor. I'm trying to forgive him, but it's hard. I just want people to leave me alone and let me be me." "I'm sorry that you had to go through that, Shoto. I've never been a big fan of flashy heroes like him. I hope that you can heal, whether that means forgiveness or distancing yourself from him. You're free to come talk to me tomorrow after class if you want." Todoroki wiped his tears away. "Thank you, Sensei." "I have other kids to check on. But if you need anything, all of you have my number." With that, Aizawa went on to the next room. Sero was also up. "It really is all of you." He tapped on Sero. Sero jumped. "Sensei?!" "Go to bed." "Yes sir!" Asui was next. She was sound asleep. There was a cold breeze blowing into her room. Aizawa closed the window. Shinsou was next. He was up, as well. He looked at Aizawa. "I'm going to bed now, night." "Oh no, you are not getting away that easily." Aizawa stormed into Shinsou's room. "What were you doing?" He reluctantly showed Aizawa his hands. They were knotted up in the capture weapon and had severe rope burn on them. Aizawa untied the knot. He took Shinsou into the bathroom and rinsed his hands in cold water. After a few minutes, he took them out from under the faucet. When Shinsou dries them with a towel, they began to bleed. Aizawa rinsed them, again. This time he dotted the towel. He put ointment on the raw skin and then bandaged them up. Yaoyorozu was the final student he had to check on. There were books everywhere and various items scattered throughout her room. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days, despite having eaten dinner just a few hours ago. He decided she needed the cupcake more, so he left it on her desk. With that, he was done checking in with all of his students. He went back down stairs.

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