January 3, 2012

33 3 0

My name is Emily I am fifteen years old. It is my moms birthday and I want to do something nice for her. So I am taking her out to eat and of course she chooses the restaurant with a bar. She has a drinking problem and she can't help it. When we arrived the place was packed we had to wait in line for two hours but it isn't a big deal I guess. It is 8:30 so we decided to leave but my mom was drunk from drinking to much.
"Em I am going to need you to drive home I can't "
"But I ca......"
Right there I stopped I remember it is her birthday and she is drunk I just need to focus really hard.
"Yes mom I will just don't talk or move so much".
I back the car up carefully, as we are exiting the highway I wasn't paying attention I heard a big SCREEECCHH and smash, the car flipped next thing I know the lights are off.

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