Two years later

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I have been visiting my moms grave every day to apologize and it really helps me to get all the hate and anger out. Except some I will never be able to get rid of which is my dads new wife. It is like she hates me. She treats me like a dog and that's how she wants to play the game that's how I will play back. Some times she purposely leaves the door locked when I am outside taking the garbage out so I can't get in but she doesn't know there is a thing called I hidden key. Oh did I mention she is also the stupidest person you will ever meet. And if you want to know how I know that it is called the prank I pulled on her. It started while she was taking a shower I went downstairs and turned the water pipe off. I quickly ran up stairs and yelled there is a whole bunch off snakes in the house (which were gummy worms). She ran out the house without anything on besides a towel so I locked the door. It was hilarious. We haven't talked for the rest of the night. Around ten'o clock my dad got home and I over heard them talking. She wants my dad to send me away other wise she will. I just want to slap her sometimes she doesn't know what I have been though lately we haven't mentioned any of it. The next morning I had to get up and ready for school the worst part of the day other then seeing the witches face. As I arrived to school I walked down the hallway to get to my locker and all the things they are saying get stuck in my head.
"Hey Emily did you visit your mom to tell on us"
"Did your dad give up on you yet"
"Your a murder"
"You are horrible"
I couldn't think of anything to do but run and never come back run away forever. So I ran home packed a bag with a little amount of food and cloths, ran out the door into the woods and didn't look back.
"Please officer find my daughter she has been missing for two days"
"Has she ever done this before"
"No why would she. She has no reason to"
Okay we will look our best"
I have been counting down the days it is now the seventh. I don't know if I can take another night I should just stop here where no one will find me for awhile by the time they do I might be dead of starvation.

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