Chapter 27

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Heather's P.O.V

Katlyn and I walked cautiously in the dark forest, it was scary but it was nothing compared to that prison we were in, so we walked. I knew Liam would not have let us go on our own if there was something dangerous lurking in these woods. My legs started hurting and my back felt like it would split in two, I was three months pregnant and I was sure the condition I was in, was not conducive for my baby. The thought of losing my child made me hyperventilate, I would never forgive myself if something happened to my child.

"Sit down Heather, you are not doing fine," Katlyn said while leading me to a log that was on the ground. Sitting there for a few minutes, we waited until my legs stopped being wobbly and we started moving again. There was a lighthouse that could be spotted from where we were, it was possible that we were on an island or near a coast. I forced myself to move even when my body felt like giving up. Liam said I should go home and I wanted to do as he said, I had come to understand that most of the things he did were to protect and look after me, I loved that about him but I also hated it. When it came to me, Liam was often irrational and never thought things through.  

Katlyn held me close to her and never let me go, we were both in that prison together but right now she was my anchor, we walked for what felt like hours without coming across any form of life, we stopped whenever I had to rest. We continued following the light that came from the lighthouse which led us to a beach. Hiding behind a bush, we scanned the place for anything strange but nothing looked out of place, we decided to survey the place and check for a boat or any form of water transport but stopped when we noticed a jeep moving towards us.

Fear gripped me and I knew Katlyn felt the same from the way she held me closer to her, my body commanded me to run but my feet stayed buried in the ground. The jeep stopped in front of us and a man came out, Katlyn stood in front of me, to protect me from the stranger. I tried to reason with the stubborn girl but she wouldn't bulge. I was relieved that the person was not doctor Mary but I was still scared of whoever it was.

Staying with Liam and his father, I learned to expect anything from anyone. You can never tell a person's intentions by how they look. Some men looked like monsters and some monsters looked like men. Katlyn and I stood there, expecting the worst from the man who walked swiftly towards us, when he walked closer and called my name, I soon realized who it was.

"Hunter?" I asked with a smile, feeling relieved but also surprised.

"Am glad I that found you," he said sighing in relief. "How did you know that I was here? Has my mother reported me missing?" I asked feeling confused.

"Liam gave me a call from a strange number and told me to come and find you," he said. I nodded in understanding and assured Katlyn that Hunter was a good person. "We should leave, it's not safe here," he said and we both agreed with him. Just as I was about to follow his lead, my legs finally gave in and I felt light-headed. Hunter and Katlyn called my name but everything turned black after that and my body felt stiff.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange place, I was about to start panicking but I remembered what happened with Hunter and soon I was calm. Darting my eyes around the lavish room I was in, I didn't see Katlyn anywhere. Standing up, I approached the door and walked into the hallway, Hunter's house was impressive, not as big and fancy as Liam's but it was something. I found myself in the living room where Hunter was watching something on the television. It was Raven's favorite show, he did not notice me because all his focus was on the show. Looking at him, I could tell that he was still deeply in love with Raven, he was still in love with my dead best friend.

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