would include: three am talks | k. omega

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this is brought to you by me listening to interviews and podcasts featuring him.

♡ this man loves talking to you

♡ you guys can go on and on for hours talking about the most random things and time will fly by

♡ the way kenny speaks is so interesting

♡ the way kenny thinks is so interesting

♡ you love picking apart his brain

♡ love hearing his thoughts on everything as it seems like it always, in one way or another, contradicts with yours

♡ love hearing him explain why he thinks that way, the factors that made him think that way

♡ he can also see some things from many different angles, so much so that there are times where it's hard to keep up with him

♡ one idea will lead to another and before you know it, you're on a whole 'nother topic

♡ he's just so well-spoken

♡ but enough about him talking to you

♡ this man loves hearing your ideas as well

♡ not just because you're his friend or his partner, but also because he's eager to learn

♡ he loves hearing different perspectives on certain things

♡ will never reject your idea, or tell you you're wrong

♡ if they really clash, this man loves to think. he will think over your idea over and over until he's able to find your perspective and a part of your idea he really, wholeheartedly, agrees with-

♡ this isn't because he feels guilty, or bad that you guys don't have the same ideas but because of how curious he is and how fascinated he is with other people's way of thinking

♡ he really can't help it. it's just who he is

♡ -then he'll add some fragments of your ideas to his ideas

♡ and because he's explained his ideas to you, you'll add some fragments of his to yours

♡ this being said, kenny likes having minor disagreements because that means there's more things and mindsets for him to digest and think about

♡ him and his ideas are ever-expanding. always evolving to add in new notions that he finds important and significant which he has gotten from other people he has spoken to

♡ this is why he has so much life experience

♡ he didn't stop learning when he finished high school

♡ there's always something new to learn with him

♡ he's never had that "i'm older than you so i'm always correct" mindset, nor has he had a big head since more and more people are praising him

♡ just such a good listener

♡ will listen to all of your ideas before asking you about them when you're done talking

♡ this being said, him and you are really good at communicating. yay!!

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