chapter three

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After they had spoken, we shared a silence, it wasn't a scared silence or one filled up to the brims with anxiety, it was a peaceful one that let us gather our thoughts letting our brains process all of this. "Again" was lurking in my brain, when else did i meet him, and why don't a remember them at all.

He broke the silence,

"Would you like a water or anything?"

"No thanks." I replied, i wasn't really thirsty or anything, and water sounded bad at this moment.
I closed my eyes resting my head on my palm, questions ran through my brain, as i was thinking, he then got up walking to the kitchen filling up a glass of water and taking a sip, before walking back over taking a seat, and setting the glass on a coaster. I then gently trudged up all of my emotion, the madness from being forced here for what i didn't even know, the curiosity, and lastly the empathy. They were all alone here, for how long i had no clue, yet i knew, loneliness could drive anybody mad.

   "So why did you want me to come here exactly, Ranboo?" I tilted my head looking at him, he then gently stared at me,

"Because..." He gulped.

"Because?" I asked.

"Because a flower is gonna die soon.." A light voice crack was in his voice which was filling up with a saddened look.

"But most to all flowers die come winter, then bloom back to life in spring?" I questioned intrigued by this topic.

"These, this flower, t-this type, It only lives once.. and when it dies, It doesn't bloom back, it just, dies." He slowly looked down gently playing with the end of his suit sleeve, they were nervous and scared.

"It's okay." I didn't really know what to say afterwords, as i was getting into my thoughts a yawn escaped my mouth.

"Tired?" He asked tilting his head looking back at me.

"Not really." I said, I didn't want sleep it's the last thing i wanted even if my body craved it, i'd make it wait.

"If you're tired you can sleep wherever really, uhm whatever works best for you really."

"I'm okay but thanks." I replied giving off a small smile of reassurance.

We shared a peaceful silence for a few minutes.

I layed down on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, after a few minutes i glanced over at him and he had a book in hand at that time, he was quiet and peacefull, yet seemed to enjoy the book much, it was nice to seem him, a little bit happier at least. I turned over facing the upward cushions of the sofa, closing my eyes letting sleep drift over my body.

It's dark, i looked around, i took a few steps forward, i was walking in water, i could feel the water seeping through my shoes, it was cold. I kept walking around wary,
I asked, hoping for a response, yet only to be met with dead silence.
I kept walking, i coild feeling my heart filling up with fears and anxieties, this felt so real. That's when i saw a small bird, a raven to be exact, they had a glow stick in their mouth so that only the raven was visible, it came to me, before turning and slowly flapping their wings, in which i followed the only thing that seemed to be alive, i followed for what felt like an eternity, that's when i saw the slight glow of a mirror, the raven then left dropping the glow stick and flying elsewhere, i cautiously picked up the glow-stick, gently lighting up a bit of the mirror,  in which i saw him again, the man in the mirror, before i could speak his hands then arms then head popped out of the mirror dragging me into it, i screamed as loud as i could, for anybody to help, he whispered into my ear,
"Time is ticking."
I then woke up, sitting up immediately, a cold sweat drenched over me, breathing heavily i looked around, the room was dimmer than before and Ranboo had looked at me concerned, I kept looking around, just a dream a mumbled quietly slowly catching my breathe.

"Are you okay?.." Ranboo asked concerned.

I nodded, "Yeah, bad dream don't worry."

I took a deep breathe closing my eyes, sitting up still and stretched my arms out lightly, their last words to
me rang through my brain,
"Time is ticking." I thought to myself, I knew, that if i left, something bad would happen, i needed to stay with Ranboo, for his and my own sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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