(𝐢) 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

711 21 6


(i) english isn't my mother language, please be nice :) 

(ii) this oneshot is also available on my tumblr, xmaliwrites

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

My eyes could sense the pain in the blue hues of her eyes. She carried in her eyes a book and every time I dared to look at them, they whispered at me harrowing words. Her soul was a garden full of white tulips and embraced with lavenders and the most intimate part of me felt powerless for seeing a beloved friend crestfallen about something that I could not be useful.

We've been friends for awhile but in my mind, we are friends since the first day I meet her. We had our fights during our grown journey. But now, everything was ok. Sort of. I started nourishing a new affection for her after our little episode on therapy box and nowadays I can say that I almost love her, not as a sister or a friend, but as a person that I want to have next to me to cheer her, to kiss her, to make her feel beloved.

Josie was forced to visit her mother in the middle of the semester and Lizzie was sad all the time. She never pushed me away, but she never dared to open her mouth and tell me what she was thinking; I wish I could do something for her to appease the void left by her sister. I bet Josie wasn't happy neither, they were like magnets: always glued to each other.

The night blossomed with gardenia augustas and the brugmansias that ascended happily, ready to bath in pale moonlight. Now, it's 9PM and I'm in my room, finishing something that hopefully will cheer up Lizzie's spirits.

I've been working on this painting since Josie left and it's been a hard journey; I challenged myself to painting both sisters representing a different season. I choose autumn for Josie since being around her reminds me the afternoon-autumn sun: doesn't burn like summer but warms you fondly. On the other hand, Lizzie reminds me spring. When I look at her over the windows and she's always surrounded by flowers I end up confusing her with one where she has the most beautiful petals. She's full of cycles, each day it feels like she's reborning over and over again. Being around her, it's different from the rest. This might sound silly but next to her, I can be myself.

Satisfied with the result I grab the A3 canvas already dried, and my legs walk automatically to the door next to mine. I knock softly, hearing the familiar voice from the other side, allowing me to come in. My heart races as a smile appears on my lips when I watch her in the bed, with the Ravenclaw pajama.

✽.◦ 3RD PERSON ✽.◦

"What's up, Leonardo DaVinci?" Lizzie sat on the bed and her eyes observed her friend that closed the door calmly, meticulously. The blonde girl couldn't help but smile when her eyes find some drops of red pain on her cheeks. "You're such a mess."

"What?" Hope laughs, landing the canvas on the ground, resting against the wall without showing the final result.

"Come here." Lizzie opened the drawer of her small nightstand, taking a compact wipes package.

Hope arched her eyebrow and walked to Lizzie's bed, sitting on the feather bed layered with silk sheets and a huge white blanket on top of that. Mikaelson followed Lizzie's hands now with two skin cleansing wipes.

"Come closer." She gave a charming smile, letting her slender fingers carefully wrap Hope's chin, pulling her face closer to Lizzie's.

Hope eyes widened a bit with her gesture, making the girl in front of her giggle. Both stayed in silence, looking at each other; for a moment, Lizzie forgot what she was going to do. Trying to hide her shyness with that moment, she lifted the other hand hugged by the wipe and began to rub softly Hope's cheeks, feeling the warmth caressing her fingertips through the wipe material.

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