Introduction, Part Two

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     I walk across campus from the university cafeteria back to my dorm to comfortably find everything as it was before I left. Taking a sigh, I plop myself down on my sub-par quality dorm mattress. Another day left with eating rubbery lettuce and chicken that could very well possibly not be real chicken (but who am I to assume). My roommate, Hannah, is getting herself ready in the bathroom down the hall for her date later on tonight, so I will be left alone until she scurries herself back in the early morning hours. 

     After a few minutes of looking out the dorm window and eating my salad, I hear the door open abruptly and I quickly turn to see why the door was opened so forcefully. Hannah is standing, now back to the door with wide eyes as if she has just heard some of the most ground-breaking news of her life.

"Y/n! Guess. What. I. Just. Heard."

I scoot down my mattress closer to her so that I can respond, wiping some salad dressing from the corners of my mouth in the process. 

"I'm assuming something intriguing - so tell me!" I say excitingly. I live vicariously through her gossip and crazy life experiences. 

     I met Hannah on our college's move-in day. I didn't have many friends that were going to the University of Kansas, so I elected to be randomly assigned a roommate. That day, I had just finished placing a big cardboard box of my clothes in front of the closet when I turn to see Hannah walk in with her overflowing bubbly personality. She marched herself right up to me and enthusiastically introduced herself, even outreaching her hand for a goofy handshake. I remember her first sentence by heart: "Hi! Three things: I'm Hannah, I just went skydiving this morning, and I really need to pee!". 

     I feel like it's easy to grasp the full picture of her grand personality from that single line. She is definitely a lot to handle but what a great friend to have. She knows everyone and pretty much everything about them due to her outgoingness. It's rare to find someone she hasn't introduced herself to or for her to know nothing about. 

Hannah moves away from the door and places her hairdryer onto the bed and sits beside it, continuing, "So my date tonight, Michael, is picking me up at 6 - " she pauses,

I wait a moment then added, "And....that means...?"

"Well, he texted me that he changed the plan last minute to surprise me since I had mentioned to him yesterday that I really like it when a guy can truly give me an experience to remember,"

"That's so rare! He sounds like he actually cares," I reply in a semi-sarcastic way, making us both have a shared laugh over times when douchebag guys have given us the bare minimum.

"Exactly," she giggles back.

"So, did he mention anything about what he is planning for you?"

She gives me a sly look. I already feel suspicious of what she is about to say.

"He said that he is bringing a friend with him," Hannah looks mischievously at me, continuing to say, "And you, y/n, get the honor of coming with me so that it's not awkward!"

     I look at her with an awkward smile, trying to appear all-in but in reality, I am very apprehensive. Dates like these never seem to work out - for literally anyone. I have never heard of a successful double-blind date, especially what it's only the second date for the main couple.

"Hannah, I really don't know about that. I mean, how many blind double dates have you been on, and then they actually end up going well?" I ask, nervously trying to get her to change her mind.

"I know, I know. Sounds terrible. I just feel like this time it'll be fun! Michael gives off a fun and creative energy, so I'm sure the person he brings will keep it interesting, too,"

I nod hesitantly, exhaling in defeat.

"Alright, Alright. I'll go. Seriously though, if it starts to get boring and awkward, I'll be the first to track-star my way out of it," I wittingly spit out. 

     Hannah rolls her eyes but smiles over the excitement that is to come, in T-minus one hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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