movie night scenarios with the RFA

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{you and the other RFA members all gather at your house to watch a movie. After a minute of discussion and convincing Jumin, you all finally agree that watching a horror movie would be the best fit.}

yoosung: holding your hand lightly the whole time, remaining close to you. Trying to act manly but immediately fails and accepts his fate. When a scary part comes on he'll bury his face into your collar or hide under the blanket and continuously ask if it's over yet. He also makes you keep the lights to a dim instead of completely turning them off. Wanted to watch a romance movie, but didn't protest as he wanted to seem strong to you. After the movie is over, he claims he really enjoyed it but you can tell he's absolutely traumatized.

seven: would be completely immersed in the movie, showing only excitement for the scary scenes. Has watched the movie before and proceeds to ramble and explain/spoil the movie for everyone. Throughout the movie he'd stroke your side just to make sure you weren't feeling tense. If you got scared during the movie he'd pounce on you giggling and distracting you from the movie; "you know, Y/N, your defender of justice is always here to protect you!" He'd then end up cuddling you tightly for the rest of the movie

zen: personally prefers romance but thought it would be fun watching Jumin react to the movie, and as long as you're happy with the movie he's down to watch anything. pretends like he's fine the whole movie and refuses to admit he's scared because he's an actor and wants to be the one comforting you, though you can tell his breath shortens and small tears form into his eyes as he tightly grabs the bag of popcorn. This man is STRUGGLING to keep his fear inside. Takes pictures of you and him snuggling under the covers as you watch the movie.

jumin: Barely paying attention to the movie, is too busy stroking Elizabeth 3rd to pay attention- For the few minutes he was trying to watch along, of course he saw right through the movie and didn't react, not even in the slightest. But, if you got scared he would go into protective mode and want move you away from the screen immediately, however wouldn't pass the opportunity to comfort and snuggle with you, Elizabeth 3rd peacefully sleeping on his lap.

Jaehee: while you two are alone she'd insist on showing you Zens musicals, however she'd agree to the majority while youre with the entire RFA. would be using pillows to prop her up while you curl up by her side. Would sit with her hands in her lap and stare at the screen, since she's not the type to initiate a cuddle session. But if you got scared she would take your hand until it's over. Facial expression is calm throughout the movie and tries to act unbothered to impress you, but occasionally you would feel her jump a bit. You squeeze her hand when you feel that she's scared but don't say anything about it. If you fall asleep she will turn off the movie, cover you with the blanket and snuggle up to you until early morning before you wake up. She doesn't want you to know how soft she really is!

V: He wouldn't ever ask to watch a scary movie,  as the only thing close to a movie he ever watches is nature documentaries...but if you agreed to watching it, he wouldn't be opposed to the idea (anything for you after all). He doesn't talk much, but when it comes to you being afraid he can make up a whole speech. He'll slowly caress you with his thumb and plant light kisses on your forehead, telling you it will be alright and that he's there.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed xoxo

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